Questions tagged [server-side-includes]

Server Side Includes (SSI) is a simple interpreted server-side scripting language used almost exclusively for the Web. The most frequent use of SSI is to include the contents of one or more files into a web page on a web server.


48 questions
1 answer

Limit SSI capabilities to only include files

Is there a way to enable SSI on a server (running apache), but only allow the include element () and not any other?
2 answers

How to enable SSI for all html files?

I use MAMP to develop sites. I have each site in it's own folder in the htdocs folder. I manage one site that I need to use ssi directives on, because the host doesn't allow php includes. I've un-commented these lines in httpd.conf file: AddType…
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2 answers

How can I enable SSI on HTML pages on GoDaddy (Windows hosting)?

I wish to enable SSI's (server-side includes) on my HTML pages on GoDaddy. I want lines like this to be processed properly: Is this possible and how can it be done?
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1 answer

nginx SSI: how to echo html?

As a sanity test, at the head of my HTML page, I'm trying to do a very simple SSI echo to indicate to the browser that SSI is working: index.html: How does does the NGINX HttpSsiModule handle these…
Dmitry Minkovsky
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Nginx ssi with proxy_cache hanging after first request

I am using Nginx's proxy cache for our dynamic pages and have recently integrated ssi. The first page load works fine but once the page is cached and another request comes through the page just hangs. The logs seem to indicate multiple sub-requests…
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IIS 6.1 Handlers for HTML, ASP, INC files

I have a legacy website in which .HTML, .ASP, and .INC files are being used. Problem is all pages have VBScript code not parsed by IIS and thus written on page as static text. I want to fix it. All .html pages include both .ASP and .INC for…
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1 answer

eAccelerator Causes PHP Include to Fail in Wordpress

SERVER: Linux CENTOS 6 PLESK 10.4.4 I have been installing Wordpress on many subdomains on our dedicated server. All of them run CRON jobs every 10 minutes. Long story short, the time to load first byte was getting to over 10 seconds. I did some…
Rick Scolaro
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2 answers

in an SSI include, can the file being included be redirected in an .htaccess file

I have some old html pages that have SSI includes in them to include certain html in all the pages. So, the SSI looks something like this: But I want to move that included file from…
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2 answers

SymLinks vs. PHP Includes (performance)

Which of these 2 is easier/faster for a Linux server running Apache to process? A) A symlink pointing to a php file: file-sym.php ---> file-orig.php B) A PHP file (file-inc.php) including another PHP file (file-orig.php) like so: Contents of…
1 answer

HTAccess Directory Index with PHP-Files

I'm currently trying to fancy up my directory index a little - To do so, I already managed to create a decent layout around the created table - But now, I need to add some scripting, too. As I'm most familiar with PHP, I figured I could just replace…
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2 answers

I enabled IIS on Windows 7 but it's not working

I followed Windows instructions, and turned on several parts of IIS. But http://localhost isn't working, and I don't see the IIS entry in Administrative Tools either. I only want to use SSI, not ASP(.net) or FTP. What should I check and why isn't it…
Mr. Boy
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