Questions tagged [mamp]

MAMP is a pre-packaged solution that installs Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Perl on OS X with minimal configuration. The default settings are generally insecure and most *AMP packages are meant for development and not production use. Because of this, you should refer to the faq before asking questions about MAMP and verify that your question is actually on-topic before you ask it.

MAMP is a pre-packaged solution that installs Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Perl on OS X with minimal configuration. The default settings are generally insecure and most *AMP packages are meant for development and not production use.

Because *AMP packages are generally not meant for production use, you should refer to the faq before asking questions about MAMP and verify that your question is actually on-topic before you ask it.

71 questions
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How to set up multiple websites / virtual hosts on MAMP?

How do you configure MAMP to manage/host multiple websites at one time for development?
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Why does my RewriteLog not work?

I have an .htaccess which looks like this: RewriteEngine on RewriteLog "/Applications/MAMP/logs/rewrite_engine_log" RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/(index.php|css|images|js)/.*$ RewriteRule (.*) /mysite/index.php/$1 When I add that RewriteLog…
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3 answers

DNS Lookups for local MAMP web server URL taking 5+ seconds

I'm running MAMP on OS X 10.7. I've set up a virtual host in Apache, like so: Allow From All AllowOverride All ServerName "example.local" ServerAlias "www.example.local" …
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4 answers

Upgrading PEAR from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1 fails

I'm willing to install phpunit 5.3 with MAMP 1.9 and there for I need to upgrade PEAR to version 1.9.1. The current version installed is 1.9.0. When I try the to upgrade I get the following: sudo pear channel-update sudo pear upgrade…
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3 answers

How to enable non-error Apache log on MAMP

How can I enable non-error server logging on MAMP (or, am I totally blind, and is it already enabled by default?) So far, I can only find the error logs for Apache, MySQL and PHP in /Applications/MAMP/logs. But I'd like to access the server log (ie,…
2 answers

Case sensitive folder names in MAMP

I'm not sure what site this question should be on, please feel free to move as necessary. I am working on a project in PHP where I need to differentiate between the folders 'a' and 'A'. When I run the script:
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5 answers

How can I set up a local host with a reasonable name, different than "localhost:80"?

I find it confusing to work on my site locally when there's something like "localhost:80" in the adress bar. It would be much better to have something like "" which then maps somehow to "localhost:80", if possible. How would I do…
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2 answers

MAMP - Host name changes to first vhost SSL entry for project with two localhosts

I have two projects that are a copy of each other on my Mac with MAMP. They both have SSL pages. However, whenever I hit the a secured SSL page of project 2, the base_url or host changes to project1 instead of remaining project2. I know this is an…
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1 answer

Logging mysql queries under MAMP Pro (MAC)

I am using MAMP Pro 2.0.5 (latest) and copied the my-medium.cnf file and placed it into /mamp/conf/ and renamed it to my.cnf under the [mysqld] i placed log = /Volumes/www/public/logs/mysql-queries.log to get the log going ( i want to log all…
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MySQL won't start in MAMP server

I had MAMP successfully running in one of the user, but since I have created a new user to separate things between two developers, its throwing tantrums. I am pretty new to Mac itself but managed to find users with similar problems. In my old user,…
Aman Alam
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3 answers

Will a mac-mini running MAMP Pro work for production environment?

I have a Mac-Mini running MAMP Pro. Can it be used for a production web server for serving a MAMP stack web site? Is it secure enough / powerful enough to manage?
Chuck Burgess
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Mac OS X 10.6 Setup for Apache/MySQL/Perl

I just got a new Mac and have been trying to setup a local development environment for my perl applications for a few days now with no luck. I'm getting no where fast so I hope someone else who has done this successfully could help. I started by…
Russell C.
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1 answer

Pecl complies .so extensions for OSX built-in PHP and not MAMP

I've installed the sphinx binaries and libraries and am now trying to install the PECL sphinx module. My system is running OS X 10.6 with MAMP 1.8.2 installed. I try to install sphinx using the following command: sudo pecl install sphinx The PECL…
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How can I configure Apache+PHP on OS 10.7.5 to make 0755 directories writable?

For years I used MAMP on my Macintosh computer to run a development environment with Apache, MySQL, and PHP. When I upgraded my machine to OS 10.7, I decided to use OS 10's native Apache and PHP in lieu of downloading MAMP again, mostly following…
2 answers

Can't access mamp server with internal IP

Running MAMP 2.1.1 on my 10.7.2 OS X Mac Pro. I can access server if I choose a port (such as the default 8888) but changing it to port 80 causes it to not work, except with localhost. This used to work before! I was running MAMP with virtualhosts…
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