I'm currently trying to fancy up my directory index a little - To do so, I already managed to create a decent layout around the created table - But now, I need to add some scripting, too.

As I'm most familiar with PHP, I figured I could just replace the

HeaderName /meta/header.shtml


HeaderName /meta/header.php

But this results in the file not being included at all. I created a workaround to still work with PHP by adding a SSI to header.shtml, so the file's only content is

<!--#include virtual="/meta/header.php" -->

And then doing all HTML output and PHP scripting in the header.php. Although this works exactly how it should, it still fells wrong. How can I get my PHP-File to be directly included without the SHTML in between?

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  • To me, that is a perfect hack. Another ways is to use "AddType text/html .php" and "AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php" but i am not aware of the security implications this could have. – Torian Sep 30 '10 at 21:18

1 Answers1


After a little research on this, you can set this like this:

HeaderName /path/to/header.php
ReadmeName /path/to/footer.php
AddType text/html .php
Addhandler application/x-httpd-php .php
<Directory /path/to/indexedDir>
  Options Indexes

And that should do it, no security implications (from my comment above).

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