Questions tagged [saltstack]

The Salt Project, previously known as SaltStack, is a Python-based open-source configuration management software and remote execution engine.

Salt is an open source tool to manage your infrastructure. Easy enough to get running in minutes and fast enough to manage tens of thousands of servers and still get a response back in seconds.

Execute arbitrary shell commands or choose from dozens of pre-built modules of common (or complex) commands. Target individual servers or groups of servers based on name, defined roles, or a variety of system information such as hardware, software, operating system, current version, current environment, and many more.

Bring your servers up to a known configured state by writing simple lists of items and defining attributes on those lists.


See also the salt-stack tag on Stack Overflow.

277 questions
1 answer

questions to tag volumes by salt, either state or module?

How salt can tag ec2 ebs volumes? I have tried all different ways I could think of, but non of them working: First, tag volumes in profile: block_device_mappings: - DeviceName: /dev/sdb Ebs.VolumeSize: 10 Ebs.VolumeType:…
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Saltstack: deploy EC2 instances in several availability zones

Just started learning Saltstack to control the infrastructure at AWS. We are developing an application to which time is really important, so we need to deploy from the beginning, a distributed infrastructure in order to achieve low traveling times.…
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SaltStack: /etc/sudo: /bin/systemctl vs /usr/bin/systemctl

We use SaltStack for configuration management since some weeks. How to handle the distribution specific location of systemctl? On Ubuntu: /bin/systemctl On SuSE: /usr/bin/systemctl At the moment I add two lines to the sudoers file: etc_sudoers: …
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Service monitoring through salt reactor and beacon

I try to monitor the service through salt reactor and beacon. If event happens (eg: nginx service stop on one minion), need to write it to a file in salt master. I have no idea how to call the event data and pass it to write_file.sls. Can someone…
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Run haproxy.disable_server when haproxy runs as multiple processes

We have few application server and 2 load-balanders (HAProxy). Cloud in implemented with SaltStack. When there is need to disable certain app server, we log into salt master and run: for i in {1..20}; do salt '*.lb-app' haproxy.disable_server…
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RabbitMQ cluster restarts every 30 minutes

I have a two node RabbitMQ 3.6.1 cluster (on CentOS 6.8 in AWS) that seems to restart regularly every 30 minutes. I just traced through the logs (/var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit@.log) on both machines to get a timeline of what happens. I've…
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SaltStack: Which firewall rule for outgoing traffic on minions?

On a network where all OUTPUT ports are closed by default on minion servers, and only required ports are opened, which ports do I have to open on the minion servers for the communication between the Salt master and Salt minions? This is on Debian…
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Will there be any problems if SaltStack dirs are subdirs of /srv/salt?

Most of the examples -- and also the documentation -- of SaltStack put the states files under /srv/salt and the pillars files under /srv/pillar. This means if I want to track the files using a source control (Mercurial or Git), I have to create two…
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Saltstack for firewalld

I am trying to get a state set up so that I can add the associated ports open in firewalld. Tried every example I can find and all fail. Here is my current: firewalld: service.running: - enable: True default_zone: - public services: …
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Saltstack: Jinja error: How to get SLS file name and line number that contains the error?

I get this error message after refactoring my sls files. I created new sls files and use the include directive to have more modular formulars. salt:/srv # salt-ssh w123 -v state.sls monitoring Executing job with jid…
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3 answers

Auto-Retry Config Push with Ansible or Saltstack?

I'm trying to choose a configuration management system for 500-2000 very-geographically-distributed hosts. Due to varying network reliability, it's possible that a number of hosts may be temporarily unavailable at any given time. For this reason, my…
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Saltstack Cannot Find Bundle

Maybe I don't understand how cmd is working, but here is some of the config I am using. This used to be a jruby install but we are moving to MRI, hence the jruby username: /home/jruby/tmp/rvm-install.tgz: file.managed: - source:…
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Salt: Properties for pillar data?

I would like to have properties (computed attributes) for data from saltstack pillars: We structure our systems like this: systems: - customer: foo project: bar stage: p ... - customer: foo project: bar stage: q ... I…
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Saltstack events not firing or reactor system not responding

I've got a master and minion connected, and I'm trying to set up some monitoring via the reactor system on the master. I haven't gotten far at all though, because so far as I can tell, events aren't occurring on the master. A simple execution…
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How do I determine which minions are receiving a particular SLS as part of their highstate?

I have a formula in my salt tree that I believe is dead code; that is, not actually being used anywhere. I'd like to get rid of it. How can I verify that no minions are receiving a given .sls as part of their highstate? Assume that I don't trust…
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