Questions tagged [salt-cloud]

5 questions
1 answer

salt-cloud & Rackspace: How to attach Private Networks to new instances?

I'm trying really hard to get salt-cloud to provision new servers with one (or more) private networks attached. SaltStack's documentation here said that I am supposed to add this "section" to the 'providers' configuration file: networks: - fixed: …
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questions to tag volumes by salt, either state or module?

How salt can tag ec2 ebs volumes? I have tried all different ways I could think of, but non of them working: First, tag volumes in profile: block_device_mappings: - DeviceName: /dev/sdb Ebs.VolumeSize: 10 Ebs.VolumeType:…
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Salt-Cloud and local development

I want to create basic aws infrastructure(vpc,subnets,route tables/routes,ec2 boxes) using saltstack. I am using a centos vagrant box as my salt master and minion as well to create vpc, subnets and routes using salt states. But the problem occurs…
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Why can't I use Digital Ocean private IPs for reverse proxying with this Salt Cloud setup?

I'm following along with this DigitalOcean tutorial that lays out how Salt Cloud works, with two app servers and a reverse proxy. The expected result near the end is that you should have a pure JS app running on two machines behind a reverse proxy,…
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1 answer

Salt Cloud Map File to Map Data

I'm trying to deploy a server using Salt cloud and the VMWare provider and I have developed a profile and a map file that works fine. I see however that there is a salt cloud module that might fit my use case better and I can call salt…
Bilbo Bongo
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