Questions tagged [saltstack]

The Salt Project, previously known as SaltStack, is a Python-based open-source configuration management software and remote execution engine.

Salt is an open source tool to manage your infrastructure. Easy enough to get running in minutes and fast enough to manage tens of thousands of servers and still get a response back in seconds.

Execute arbitrary shell commands or choose from dozens of pre-built modules of common (or complex) commands. Target individual servers or groups of servers based on name, defined roles, or a variety of system information such as hardware, software, operating system, current version, current environment, and many more.

Bring your servers up to a known configured state by writing simple lists of items and defining attributes on those lists.


See also the salt-stack tag on Stack Overflow.

277 questions
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Saltstack - mapping values are not allowed in this context

Following state file throws an error "Rendering SLS '' failed: mapping values are not allowed in this context" I rendered the state of the minion into a file and threw it into yaml-lint. That part of the state seems ok to…
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How can I configure an etcd cluster to work with salt stack master?

The official documentation ( ) shows this example config: etcd.port: 2379 etcd.protocol: http etcd.allow_reconnect:…
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How to Pre-seed Salt Minion's Archives

So I am creating a state file to install MatterMost on a minion. So far it looks like this: mattermost-usergroup: user.present: - name: mattermost - shell: /bin/sh - createhome: False - usergroup: True - system: True -…
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Salt-sproxy with Junos 18.x

I was using salt-sproxy for a while with our Juniper-based network, and all was working fine. I started to find some problems with the new Junos code we use (18.x) I can communicate with the device (net.connected, net.cli, grains....etc), but I…
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Salt: connection refused to proxy

I have troubles with Salt, installed on an HPC cluster. All maintenance commands (i.e. salt commands) are made from master0. The minions to be managed are named node0, node1, ..., node4. When I try to install a package on a minion (let's say…
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Prevent duplication of physical Salt Stack minions

Recently I've implemented Salt on physical minions in our enterprise environment as a "backup" solution in case our current management system takes a nose dive and we need to restore configurations on nearly a thousand clients without having to get…
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Find Salt statck Job Status by jid using rest_cherrypy API

I have enabled the rest_cherrypy in the salt master Currently trying to call the jobs API ( to find the job status. Although i am…
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Salt state file doesn't load info from pillar

I'm getting this error when I'm trying to apply my statefile to my minion: Data failed to compile: Rendering SLS 'base:nextcloud2' failed: Jinja variable 'list object' has no attribute 'db_name' I'm trying to enter the data…
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Calling an externally stored pillar from inside a pillar_root or sls file (top.sls or pillar_file_name.sls)

I'm working on storing some sensitive data stored in my salt pillar files away, into an external DB (possibly Redis). I could not help wondering if it is possible to request the externally stored data from within the pillar files, so that I can use…
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No matching sls found for 'state.sls' in env 'web'

i am trying to execute a specific sls file on specific machine using salt "remote-host" state.apply state.sls but i am getting error which i dont understant why i am getting this error. Data failed to compile: No matching sls found for…
1 answer

Salt Cloud Map File to Map Data

I'm trying to deploy a server using Salt cloud and the VMWare provider and I have developed a profile and a map file that works fine. I see however that there is a salt cloud module that might fit my use case better and I can call salt…
Bilbo Bongo
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Process getting different environment variables to system settings

I have an issue where a tomcat process started through salt stack is getting different environment variables than the ones set on the system. This is on a centos 7 server. Below is the locale -v settings i get when i run the command on the server…
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Salt Pillar: How to use different values for prod / dev?

I'm not sure if I am thinking about this the right way, but here is my Problem: I want to use the same Salt state and pillar configuration for production, development and test servers. The only difference should be: Which minions are used The…
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Using Configuration management tools to synchronize large files

We are looking into using a configuration mangement tool (like Salt or Puppet) to automate what is currently a lot of manual work. One requirement is that we have to distribute rather large files / directories to our servers (in sum about 400gb). In…
1 answer

SaltStack: install packages behind proxy

Getting through a Saltstack tutorial and ran into a problem how to install packages on a linux host if it's behind a proxy. For example, I have a file nettools.sls: install_network_packages: pkg.installed: - pkgs: - rsync - lftp …
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