Questions tagged [saltstack]

The Salt Project, previously known as SaltStack, is a Python-based open-source configuration management software and remote execution engine.

Salt is an open source tool to manage your infrastructure. Easy enough to get running in minutes and fast enough to manage tens of thousands of servers and still get a response back in seconds.

Execute arbitrary shell commands or choose from dozens of pre-built modules of common (or complex) commands. Target individual servers or groups of servers based on name, defined roles, or a variety of system information such as hardware, software, operating system, current version, current environment, and many more.

Bring your servers up to a known configured state by writing simple lists of items and defining attributes on those lists.


See also the salt-stack tag on Stack Overflow.

277 questions
1 answer

SaltStack: How do I configure the minion to use a different publisher port?

Now I am having a salt-master behind an NAT, the master's 4505 and 4506 ports have been mapped to the 44505 and 44506 ports on the router. There's a master_port option but I think that only changes the port 4506 to 44506. How do I configure the…
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How to provision dashboards into kibana?

I am giving my developers the gift of kibana using the elasticsearch that is bundled with logstash. They will have kibana in their vagrant boxes. Goal: Install and configure kibana dashboards via scripts on startup. Problem: How to pre-load exported…
Dan Garthwaite
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Is there a way to make systemctl start synchronous

I'm developing/have developed a unit file for systemd [Unit] Description=FreeRADIUS multi-protocol policy server Documentation=man:radiusd(8) man:radiusd.conf(5)…
Arran Cudbard-Bell
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RVM install via SaltStack (Could not install Ruby)

I'm using the saltstack documentation here to install RVM on my salt-minions salt 2015.5.2 (Lithium) On an Ubuntu 14.04 system Here is my init.sls file for ruby. gpg-import-D39DC0E3: - user: rvm - require: - user: rvm -…
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Is there a more idiomatic way to switch Salt state based on host OS?

At the top of my State file, I have: {% if grains['os'] == 'Ubuntu' %} {% set ubuntu = True %} {% set arch = False %} {% elif grains['os'] == 'Arch' %} {% set ubuntu = False %} {% set arch = True %} {% endif %} Later on, {% if ubuntu…
Chris Tonkinson
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Is there a Salt-equivalent to Puppet's Resource Default Statements?

With Puppet you can set Resource Default Statments: File { backup => '.puppet-bak', ensure => present, group => 'root', mode => '644', owner => 'root', } and if I later have a file such as this it will inherit the default settings…
Chris Tonkinson
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SaltStack: Requisite not found for watch

I'm just starting to deploy SaltStack to my servers. So, I have the following file /srv/salt/postfix/init.sls: # Ensure postfix installed and set to autostart on boot postfix: pkg.installed: [] service.running: - require: - pkg:…
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Saltstack: different versions for Master and Minion

I've a little-big problem. I've an architecture with dozens of servers, everyone having a different OS. My Master is on an Ubuntu Server 14.04 and its version is 0.17.5. My Minions are of different versions, included 0.17.5 and, for example,…
1 answer

salt config.get doesn't return the package installation status

I have installed nodejs on my salt-minion (Centos 6.6) using init.sls as, manager-requirements: pkg.latest: - pkgs: - nodejs On minion, nodejs is installed and i am able to use it. When i run config.get on salt-master to get the…
Saravana Kumar
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2 answers

display a salt minion's master server(s)

I'm starting to play with Saltstack and I haven't found a way to display any runtime details of a salt minion. Specifically I wanted to display the salt master server(s) that a salt minion is currently utilizing. It seems like there are several…
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Stormpath and saltstack

Does anyone use stormpath to authenticate against user/password with saltstack? Instead of creating new users and/or getting it from db, I was wondering if someone is using stormpath to get the data(authenticate user/pass) from saltstack. Is there…
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How can I call a SaltStack module with a list of arguments

Given the following function in a SaltStack module called salty, how do I sent a sequence to the event function for the tags argument, that is tags should be a Python list: def event(name, desc, tags=None): assert type(tags) == list I expected…
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2 answers

Is there any way to call only one rule within a SaltStack state?

I have a state called service.sls within an "elasticsearch" directory. I could call the entire state via salt-call state.sls elasticsearch.service but I'd only like to trigger one rule within that state. Context: the config is file.managed and has…
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saltstack configuration "No Top file or external nodes data matches found"

A very similar version of this question is asked here , but it's completely different since the person had their top file in the wrong directory. I have 3 projects, that I'll call project1, project2, and project3. My goal was to create a…
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Saltstack load pillar in a for loop

I'm developing a automatic proftpd installation whit Salt. I won't to get the ftp users from a template but I can't get work the pillar. I initialized the pillar whit the users data and call it into a for loop, but y don't get the pillar user data…