Questions tagged [robocopy]

Robocopy is a command line file copy utility for Windows-based operating systems.

Robocopy is a Microsoft command line file copy utility that is built into Windows Server versions 2008 R2 and newer. Examples of basic functionality include directory mirroring, copying files over a network, restartable copy and multiple exclusion/inclusion flags.

272 questions
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Robocopy script copied permissions/subfolders everything but NOT shares

I ran this command on my new server: ROBOCOPY "\\oldserver\e$\folder" "e:\folder\" /COPYALL /SEC /MIR /LOG:logs.txt It copies all permission and mirrored my folder but later I realized that shares are missing. I want to totally sync this new…
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SID not being set on

I copied two trees with robocopy, a source and a destination, with the intent of making their permissions exactly the same, I ran the following commands: robocopy /MIR C:\Windows\System32\tasks\ C:\temp\robocopyTasks\out\ robocopy /E /Copy:S /IS…
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Robocopy - Share to Share copy over network - Files did not end up in the expected location

A client of mine recently got a new Windows 2012 server to replace an old Windows XP Professional computer we were using as a file server. Everything appeared to be copying fine, I stored a log file of the copy and I watched the new share populate…
3 answers

Fastest way to mirror directory over network

I am looking to speed up my deployment process, currently I have a single staging server, and a web-farm in production. I currently use robocopy to mirror each web-farm server from the staging server, however, this is very slow. My copy command…
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A Robocopy job to copy files from VM Windows 2003 to a windows 2008 DFS Share over WAN

I have the following in a bat file running as a scheduled task on the VM Windows 2003 server robocopy "d:\Folder\Sub folder" "\\prod.local\shareddata\Loc\Folder\SubFolder" /S /R:0 /W:5 /NP /NS /NFL /LOG+:RobocopyI.log There are about 10,000 files…
3 answers

Robocopy job will run manually but not as a scheduled task

Using Robocopy on Server 2012. I have created a .cmd script to copy some files from a mapped drive to the local machine. The mapped drive is on another server in a different domain and connects with the remote domains domain admin credentials.…
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4 answers

Robocopy fails in Scheduled task with ERROR 1326 Logon failure

My aim: To simply mirror a database backup directory onto another server Approach: Use Robocopy statement contained in a scheduled task robocopy "C:\MylocalDirBackup" "\\MY.IP\DatabaseBackupsShare" /mir /z…
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Copy Files/Folders on Windows Volumes Created from Mac

We are trying to migrate storage from one volume to another, and we are running into problems with folders and files created from Mac OSX. The current file storage is on windows, and unfortunately some of the users that connect to it from the Mac…
Aaron A
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2 answers

How many threads is robocopy really using?

I'm trying to copy a huge number of small files (30M x 150k) from one server to another over a network, like this: robocopy sourceDir \\\destDir /s /MT:32 /NP /LOG:d:\robocopy.log The copy is working, but I see that according to Task…
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Minimum level of access required for service account to run a scheduled task on server?

We have 2 domain administrator accounts in Active Directory: "Administrator" and "Robocopy". Robocopy is a service account associated with a scheduled task which executes a batch file- which runs Robocopy (on our SBS 2003 file server/domain…
1 answer

Copy and Move Files from One Server to Another on Windows Server

I was asked to jump in and fill in for a colleague and write a Windows script that will run on server #2 and do: 1) Connect and authenticate to remote server #1 from server #2 2) Copy only files from server #1 that match files named like…
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Robocopy won't copy from root folder

I'm having trouble with robocopy. It won't copy from "X:\files\". It just kills the batch file without writing anything to log, but it WILL copy from "X:\files\other files". Where "other files" is just one of many folders inside "files". It is…
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7 answers

Where can I find ready to use windows scripts that used robocopy?

We are installing the Windows Resource Kit, and that installs RoboCopy. We want to have access to a few windows scripts that uses RoboCopy so we can start from those to build something else. Any ideas on where I can find a few samples? NOTE 1: A…
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2 answers

RoboCopy A File From The Web?

Is it possible to download a file from the web using RoboCopy? What would the syntax for that be? Here's what I'm trying: RoboCopy "" "C:\some_folder\" "index.html" /L /V /E /LOG:"C:\some_folder\test_robocopy.log" /R:10…
Cory Dee
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1 answer

Exceptional slowdown of robocopy copying from VM to DFS array

I've got an old win 2003 VM (VMware) on a blade cluster of VMs that I'm moving a considerable amount of files to our new DFS array. There are two main folders with about 1.7 million and half a million smaller files (letters, memos, and other smaller…