I'm trying to copy a huge number of small files (30M x 150k) from one server to another over a network, like this:

robocopy sourceDir \\\destDir /s /MT:32 /NP /LOG:d:\robocopy.log

The copy is working, but I see that according to Task Manager, robocopy.exe is only running two threads -- not the 32 I specified. Anybody know why?

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2 Answers2


Opening up resource monitor on the target machine under Disk Activity you can see what files are currently being written to disc, ie how many threads are currently in use. /MT:32 uses 32 threads as expected.

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Looks like it only uses two threads when it's figuring out what to copy, then spun up another 32 once it got busy copying files. I should test this again to verify, but I haven't yet.

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