Questions tagged [xcopy]

35 questions
6 answers

Fastest method of copying files

If we have a successful build on our build server (CCNET) all ASP.NET website files are copied to the virtual directory (%output_dir%) so non-developers can see/test the latest version of the website. At the end of the build the following bat file…
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3 answers

Copy first 10 files from a folder and subfolders

I'm trying to get the first (any) 10 files from a deeply nested filestructure. I can use XCOPY source dest /T /E to build the folder structure, but what I'd like to do is get 10 files from each folder and sub folder and copy those as well. Is there…
Rob White
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6 answers

xcopy is illogical?

I want to use XCOPY for an easy copy script to 'sync' one folder to another, every night. XCOPY C:\hyper-v\VHD\*.avhd Z:\BACKUP\HYPERV_VMs /s /d /c I cannot manage to get no prompting. When I choose the option /y xcopy overwrites everything (115GB)…
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4 answers

Robocopy really slow across LAN

DISCLAIMER: I'm a programmer, not an admin! I am setting up web apps in a new server cluster and copying files using xcopy or robocopy and UNC paths between servers on the same subnet is really slow. SOmetimes it seems to sporadically speed up,…
Brian Donahue
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1 answer

Why is Xcopy ignoring /i flag?

This may take the cake for the simplest questions asked here but I have a script that I want to just copy a file and not prompt me with "Does C:\Filename.bin specify a filename or a directory?" The command is just xcopy…
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3 answers

copy directory including 'base' folder

I need to copy folderA into folderB via the command line: c:\temp \folderA \folderB should become c:\temp \folderA \folderB\folderA That is, exactly the same as if you copied folderA using windows explorer and…
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3 answers

How to execute a batch file each time a user logins?

I've written a batch script which copies of some files in the CommonAppData folder (C:\ProgramData) to the logged in User's Local AppData. What I would like to do is to execute this script for every user every time they login. I found many articles…
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2 answers

using xcopy or copy to back up files?

I have a local drive that contains a directory per user: c:\user1\ c:\user2\ c:\user3\ and I have a remote drive (via a share) that contains the same directory tree: f:\user1\ f:\user2\ f:\user3\ inside each directory can be any number of files but…
Mr Aleph
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1 answer

Need to copy files where source files are in directories but want target files to land in single directory

I have been asked to see if I can copy many files from a source that has directories and sub directories and for the taget to be a single directory. All files to one directory. If there happens to be a duplicate file they would just copy with…
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0 answers

Local File Copy Incredibly Slow

I have 15 Server 2008 R2 servers. On 2 of them, copying files locally is incredibly slow. I need to make copies of a 2GB folder which has 8000 files in it. On 13 servers, a simple xcopy command has this done in minutes. On the other 2, it has taken…
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1 answer

Why does xcopy fail when there is obviously enough space?

I have a 2TB hard drive "D" containing 732GB of data on a 2TB NTFS partition that I want to copy (absolutely everything on the drive) to another drive "F" with 981GB of space (its freshly formatted (NTFS)). I made sure no processes were writing to…
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WMIC with XCopy: Copy file from Remote System to Shared Location

Today I found one issue where, I would like your help... Situation: I want to copy my remote file (which is not shared directly) to other system (which is shared) so, basically it's like Remote Location D Drive file to copy to some shared…
Brijesh Sahh
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3 answers

Can recover files I accidentally overwrote with xcopy?

Today I got the arguments backwards when issuing xcopy. This caused my source folder to be overwritten. The system is Windows 2003 with standard NTFS. No special backup solutions running. Is there any way to recover those files?
Frank Krueger
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1 answer

Copy Files/Folders on Windows Volumes Created from Mac

We are trying to migrate storage from one volume to another, and we are running into problems with folders and files created from Mac OSX. The current file storage is on windows, and unfortunately some of the users that connect to it from the Mac…
Aaron A
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2 answers

xcopy and timeouts

Related to this question and this answer Backup on disc using TrueCrypt corruption problem I want to copy the backup to my HD. However the timeout seems to be a problem. I see many single files then i see File creation error - Data error (cyclic…
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