Questions tagged [service-accounts]

83 questions
1 answer

Scheduled restart of a service with powerhshell as non-admin service account

Before I get shot down, I know how to schedule a task, restart a service with powershell or give a non-admin account the privileges to restart a service. That isn't the problem. The problem however is the combination of all these three tasks…
3 answers

Using a Group Managed Service Account (gMSA) for a scheduled task

Back in Windows Server 2008 R2, when stand-alone Managed Service Accounts (sMSA) were new, they could not be used to execute scheduled tasks. In Windows Server 2012 however, there is a new type of account called the Group Managed Service Account…
Trevor Sullivan
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Which user should a backup service run as?

I'm working on an application which uses Volume Shadow Copy Service to backup a particular file at regular intervals. This works when run as admin but when I run the service under the "Network Service" account which I believed to be the correct…
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Whats the point of a service account?

At work they want me to create a service account to run the app pool for my web application in iis under. Why would this be useful and/or necessary?
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Prevent service accounts from logging in locally or remotely

We have a company doing development for us in-house and they have access to several service accounts. The company rotates people in and out, and instead of requesting accounts the developers are using service accounts to log on to the servers. What…
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If account is disabled while logged in can it remain logged in?

We have an account that connects in via VPN to pull data from one of our databases. Recently it has not been able to pull the data down. Looking at it the account is disabled however I feel that this is not the full story. Enabled …
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Recommended service account setup for MS SQL Server 2005/2008

We have a number of MS SQL servers in our environment running either SQL Server 2005 standard/enterprise or SQL server 2008 enterprise. Currently the SQL services are running as local service or network service and the MS recommended best practice…
1 answer

What are the attributes of a Service Account?

What settings in AD make a service account, a service account? I know that the login into probably shouldn't be given to anyone but the administrators, that it might be used to run a service, I also know that it's password shouldn't expire, and that…
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Setting up Group Managed Service Account on Windows Server 2012 R2

I have a Windows 2012 R2 domain controller called I have set up a group of hosts where I would like to use a gMSA (Group Managed Service Account). This group is called SQLManagedHosts. I created the account by following these steps…
Mark Allison
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4 answers

How can I run a process as "NT Authority\NetworkService"?

I'm toying with an idea for a script that would update a computer's details in Active directory with its make and model information. Ideally, I'd like this script to access AD via its computer account, which means I'd need to have the script run as…
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Deploying as service account (using `gcloud app deploy`) gives “API [] not enabled on project [%id%].”

I am struggling to make automated deployment using a service account work. First I created a new service account and now I am using a default because presumably App Engine instances run under this…
4 answers

How to manage logon as service right for virtual account in face of domain group policy?

I would like to use the default SQL Server setup that runs SQL Server service with virtual account NT SERVICE\MSSQLSERVER. That ensures my SQL Server has limited access on its own machine and no access to network resources if it should be hacked. …
Bob Hyman
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Giving permissions to Virtual Service Accounts on domain controllers

The service I'm implementing will run on a domain controller, so I'd like it to have minimal privileges. Ideally, it would simply run as Local Service. However, it needs to be able to: monitor performance counters (be a member of Performance…
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Issue connecting to AD FS configuration database

I just installed the AD FS role on my DC using the Windows Internal Database. All seemed to be fine after I set everything up, however, once I restarted my DC, when attempting to load the AD FS manager, I get the error: An error occurred during an…
Michael H
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Network Service account or domain account?

What are the pros and cons, or best practices when it comes to setting up applications on a server with either the Network Service account or a domain account? Are there some cases in which you'd do one, and other cases where you'd do the other?
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