Questions tagged [robocopy]

Robocopy is a command line file copy utility for Windows-based operating systems.

Robocopy is a Microsoft command line file copy utility that is built into Windows Server versions 2008 R2 and newer. Examples of basic functionality include directory mirroring, copying files over a network, restartable copy and multiple exclusion/inclusion flags.

272 questions
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Backup/copy open files from network share on a NAS device

We have several network shares mapped via DFS (Windows Server 2008 R2) on external NAS. That NAS is simple and doesn't support snapshots. We are making backup from the NAS via robocopy but from time to time some files fail to backup because they are…
3 answers

Robocopy and permissions

I have this issue, I am trying to copy home directory from one server to another using robocopy. Now, my issue is, would robocopy be able to bring over all the permissions as well? Here is the command line I am using: robocopy "\\server1\home"…
1 answer

Full backup, files copy or VSS for disk replacement on a Windows 2003 server?

I have to replace all disks of a Raid 5 volume for more space on a Windows 2003. I want to see what is the more reliable method to backup or move data of this volume (about 800 Gb). In first I was planning to robocopy all files on a external USB…
2 answers

Do Robocopy copy efficiently large files?

in our small sized company we use Vmware. We backup the VM with Veeam. Resulting files are in order of 200-300 gigabyte per VM, for a total of 1/1.2 terabyte of data. I use robocopy to copy VM files backuped to external hard drive. I would like to…
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Rsync from CIFS mounted Windows shares is slow. Why is this? Are there alternatives for file copy with checksum support?

I have found that using Rsync to transfer files from CIFS mounted shares resident on a Widnows client is extremly slow. I have read a few threads here on SF, and several other forum posts on the web, that point to the issue being related to rsync…
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Bulk file copy while limiting disk utilization?

I saw that Robocopy can limit network bandwidth in this answer How do you limit the bandwidth for a file copy? I have plenty of bandwidth on the LAN, but I don't want to saturate the disk on the system originating the copy (Windows 7). I vaguely…
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Is it possible to use robocopy to sync host files across multiple Windows servers?

Would it be possible to use robocopy to copy the host file from one server to multiple servers (less than 10 total)? We have servers that rely on having identical host files and this would be convenient. Also is it possible to schedule robocopy and…
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Specifying date in robocopy destination folder

I would like to specify the date via CLI when running robocopy so that the destination folder includes the date. robocopy C:\folder\ Z:\folder_DATE /E /ZB /COPYALL /NP /V /LOG:F:\backup_log.txt Where DATE is the current date. Is this possible or…
2 answers

Force ownership of folder structure without replacing other permissions - Windows Server 2008 R2 - takeown is erasing all other permissions

Logged on as local Administrator. Trying to put Administrator as owner of all files and folders on a drive. The drive contains an existing folder structure with securities/permissions/acls copied from another server using robocopy which is why the…
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1 answer

Overriding destination directory from ROBOCOPY Job file?

I am using Robocopy for backing up my project directories to an external disk, and it works like a charm. Except for one little issue: sometimes, I wish I could override the destination directory which I specify in my Robocopy Job file…
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1 answer

Using the Robocopy across the Virtual Machines

I have two virtual machines (VM) with Windows Server 2019 at my disposal and Each VM is located at two different Data Centre which are separated geographically. Do I need to keep both VM on the Same Domain for robocopy to work or I can use it over…
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Robocopy not copying 66% of files

I need to move the contents of a network share to another location and am trying to use robocopy to do this - robocopy /mir /tee /log:logfile.txt This runs and returns no errors - but when I compare the 2 folders there is a huge difference in the…
0 answers

Limit access on network share to a specific computer, Device claim under DAC not working

There are certain confidential data and we want to make sure that is does not get copied by user and eventually leaked out of organisation. For achieving the same, we have defined a restricted windows machine which a user can access but no data can…
1 answer

Can multiple exclusion switches be used simultaneously in robocopy commands?

For the windows robocopy command: Can I simultaneously use both /XD "DirectoryName" and /XO (for files older than those already in dest.) Example: robocopy /E "K:\clientPack" "C:\clientPack" /XO /XD…
1 answer

Lock-Bitlocker after Robocopy - access denied

I'm trying to create a backup script that unlocks an external bitlocker drive, robocopies files to it, then locks it when it's done. I am able to unlock and copy just fine, but the final step of "Lock-Bitlocker" is giving me an "access denied" error…