Questions tagged [remoteapp]

RemoteApp enables you to make programs that are accessed remotely through Remote Desktop Services appear as if they are running on the end user's local computer.

185 questions
1 answer

Where does RDP client store trusted publishers list and how do I clear the list of trusted publishers

We received a digitally signed RDP file from a service provider to use for connecting to their infrastructure. When I double clicked the file, it showed me a dialog which said something like "Do you trust the publisher of this remote…
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2 answers

Is it possible to ensure that multiple applications run in the same terminal server session using RemoteApp?

We are interested in implementing RemoteApp on Windows 2008 R2 to serve out a few programs. Since the developers use shared memory to pass messages between processes, it is necessary that we provide them with a solution that will allow this. They…
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1 answer

How do I setup a RemoteApp?

I have a server within my network that has a program that users needs to access. I don't want to allow them to access anything else but this program. From looking at these questions: Allow only RemoteApp, not Remote Desktop and RemoteApp Prevent…
James Mertz
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7 answers

Powering netbooks with Servers

I have limited knowledge of servers. I had an idea that I wanted to get evaluated. With netbooks becoming cheaper, I was wondering if I will be able to do complex video editing and running heavy software on a server? For example, my netbook could be…
2 answers

how to disable RemoteApp sessions lock if idle for 10 minutes and require no user needs to input password to unlock?

RemoteApp sessions lock if idle for 10 minutes, user needs to input password to unlock. My users are running an application from Win2008 Terminal server using RemoteApp. If the application remains idle for 10 minutes it gets "locked" and the user is…
1 answer

Remote App Web Connection not working, possibly due to port forwarding

We have customers using our software via Remote App. We have given them two options, using the .rdp file link we send them, or logging into the RDWeb and logging in that way. We just recently discovered that the RDWeb has never worked (we only…
Brett Allen
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1 answer

SBS 2008 Standard + RemoteApps

I'm led to believe that installing a Terminal Server on a SBS 2008 Standard will not work correctly/or is not supported. Is there anyway to make this work? We have 2 x SBS 2008 Standard servers and really want a remote app deployment solution like…
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3 answers

Why does my minimized Terminal Services Remote App Disappear?

Have you ever minimized a remote app shared by a Windows 2008 server and had it disappear after about 10 seconds? If so, how did you over come that particular inconvenience? The application is an in-house app, I'm asking here and not on…
Peter Turner
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1 answer

RemoteApp Prevent User from Running Remote Desktop

Possible Duplicate: Allow only RemoteApp, not Remote Desktop We've setup an application to run remotely under RemoteApp on Windows Server 2008. To do so we had to open up the standard RDP port. Unfortunately that also means that someone with…
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1 answer

Windows forcing application to exit with exit status 1073807364 (0x40010004) [DBG_TERMINATE_PROCESS]

Paying it forward with question and answer. Remote application launched from a desktop via a .RDP file. During initialization on the RDS box the application is seen to startup and then immediately exits. Easy to see this happening with Process…
Jeffrey Hyson
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2 answers

Set default browser to a RemoteApp

I have configured RDS to serve Chrome as a RemoteApp. I would like to use this RemoteApp version of Chrome as the default browser for some clients. How would I go about setting the default browser to Chrome served as a RemoteApp via a PowerShell…
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1 answer

RDS RemoteApp File Type Association UI is Blank

I am setting up an RDS deployment that shares RemoteApps to replace one shared session host that offered all apps. There is a single rds gateway and then a couple of session hosts that offer different apps. The problem is that some of the apps do…
3 answers

How to log off from RemoteApp Session from User Computer

We use RemoteApp for all our Home office clients. Sometimes the users need to log off from their RemoteApp Session, for various reasons. Now for RemoteApps, you only have the possibility to terminate the connection on your Desktop. This results in a…
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0 answers

Mouse configurations not staying when using RemoteApps

I have some clients who need to use a larger mouse curser. However, when they use the RemoteApps we published for them, the configuration is not staying in place. I thought maybe if I created a GPO to force the configuration that would work. It…
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1 answer

Use AD to Control App Access

As of now, I'm looking at using RemoteApps to allow RDP oriented access to applications. I would like the applications presented to users to be based on the users Group membership. Right now, the org is fairly small, and the directory doesn't even…
Black Dynamite
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