Questions tagged [remoteapp]

RemoteApp enables you to make programs that are accessed remotely through Remote Desktop Services appear as if they are running on the end user's local computer.

185 questions
4 answers

Windows Server2008 RemoteApps - Starting but not handing over windows

At work we run a windows 2008 server and we roll out Remote Apps for all the applications that out employees use. So far they are working wonderfully with very little issues but there is one problem that props up every once and while that we cant…
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RemoteApp shows no certificate available but RD Session host finds it fine

I am trying to set up remote app for a internal domain. I have a Root CA that is trusted my all of the end computers, that cert has signed a wildcard cert I am trying to use for the server. I added the pfx of the wildcard cert to the local machine…
2 answers

Run old 32-bit program on Windows 2008 R2 64bit

I am setting Windows Server 2008 R2 as an Application Server (RDP, SeamlessRDP). I was going to first install that app on the server and then provisioning it to the clients. The problem is that it's 32 bit app and when I'm trying to install it I'm…
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Seamless Remote Windows on Linux Client

I really like the RemoteApp features of Windows Server 2008 Are there any solutions for similar functionality for Linux clients and a Windows server? We have users that are running Linux on the desktop and rdesktop to a Windows server, mostly for…
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RemoteApp idle time before disconnecting

I have a Windows Server 2008 R2 with RemoteApp service installed. I have published a certain application and created an RDP file for it. After the user has finished using this remote application and closes the window there's a "grace period" of 20…
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Need explanation of tag loadbalanceinfo:s:tsv:

I'm making a rdp file based on my user parameters full address:s: alternate shell:s:|| remoteapplicationprogram:s:|| remoteapplicationname:s: ... loadbalanceinfo:s:tsv://MS Terminal Services…
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3 answers

How to disable TLS 1.0 without breaking RemoteApps on server 2012 R2

Please note, this scenario is different from asimilar one: How do I disable TLS 1.0 without breaking RDP? The linked question is about RDP and disabling TLS 1.0. This question is about RemoteApp's and disabling TLS 1.0 I already have straight RDP…
Phil Sayers
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0 answers

Server 2012 RemoteApp Disconnects/Reconnects Constantly

I have remote desktop services running on Server 2012 with high availability. I'm running 3 gateways and a farm of session host servers. Gateways all seem to be running fine, they take connections no problem. Each are running around 200 connections…
1 answer

Install Notepad++ as remote app on windows server 2012

I'm trying to install Notepad++ as a rempote app for a windows 2012 based rdp. I've rdp up and running with the 3 preinstalled apps calculater, wordpad and paint. Now I want to add some more apps. I went to the remote programs list and opened the…
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6 answers

Certificate issue with RemoteApp on Server 2008

I am trying to set up a proof-of-concept demo for deploying applications via RemoteApp, the application-streaming-over-RDP stuff in Windows Server 2008. The TS Gateway server (call it srv-web) and the box hosting the applications (call it srv-app)…
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3 answers

RDS, RDWeb, and RemoteApp: How to use public certificate for launching apps on session host?

Question: How do i tell RDWeb to launch apps from rather then host.internaldomain.local? Environment: Existing org with AD forest. New single Server 2012 running all Remote Desktop Services roles for session host. Used the new 2012…
2 answers

Server 2012 RemoteApp install

I am trying to install a simple RemoteApp install on a Windows 2012 server but am getting a bit confused by the different components and what is and is not required. Is 'Remote Desktop Gateway' required in this senario? The RemoteApps reside on the…
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Terminal Server hosted on cloud server or traditional VPS?

We're looking into alternatives for our very small datacentre at the moment. We have two Windows 2008 terminal servers that serve RemoteApps that we're looking to move off-site first off (and if we could combine this into just one server, that's a…
Mark Henderson
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6 answers

Virtualise Excel in a browser

Is it possible to give users access to a virtualised instance of Excel - I don't want to give them access to a full OS (although this will clearly be running in the background, all they can access is Excel - they don't even see any other screens)? …
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1 answer

Can file extensions be associated with TS2008 Remote Applications

Just wondering if there's any way to associate a local file extension with a remote app running via a Windows 2008 Terminal Services session? If, for example, I've published Acrobat as a Remote App, is there any way of making it launch when I…
Jon Artus
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