Questions tagged [remoteapp]

RemoteApp enables you to make programs that are accessed remotely through Remote Desktop Services appear as if they are running on the end user's local computer.

185 questions
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Remoteapps won't launch

I have two 2012 RDS servers, which host RemoteApps with RDWEB. On some computers, even if it worked before, the remoteapp icons stop working. (You can click them all you want, nothing happens). Even reboots and running windows update does not work.…
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Pushing new versions of applications to RDP server

We have an application running as a RemoteApp on a 2008 RDP server. What is the proper way to push new versions of the app? We don't currently have an msi for it, but we could make one. Right now we just copy over the files, but that doesn't seem to…
Benjamin Peikes
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Adding another RemoteApp server to existing domain

Just a simple question. We presently have one Windows 2008 R2 RemoteApp server in place and all is licensed and working well. We are now in process of adding another RemoteAPP server to our existing domain but it will be running Windows Server 2012…
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Force MS Remoteapp to save files to client's System

I'm using an older software with a dbase database. I'd like to deploy it as a remoteapp, and from my testing this seems quite possible. Update: This application would be accessed over the internet and not directly on the same network. Additionally…
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Can the same server be used for both Citrix and Microsoft RemoteApp publishing?

We have a QA team that needs to test both Citrix and Microsoft RemoteApp publishing and we are wondering if the same server could be used for both systems. We already have a Citrix environment but need to add a few more servers to the test farm.…
Greg Bray
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SQL Server Reporting Services Report Builder not starting as RemoteApp

A bunch of Users has been given access to a SQL Server 2008 R2 reporting services instance. Due to a policy the users only may access the services through a Remote Desktop instance. We have handed out Remote App links to the Internet Explorer…
1 answer

Windows 2012 RDS RemoteApp, Access to local Drives

We have an App that uses MDBs for storing Data. For performance reasons (transferring MDB-Data between Client via Network Drive to Server), I plan to deliver this App via RemoteApp. After the App is started, she does two things: Reading a…
1 answer

Remoteapp and slow network Drives

Bit of a Newby here. I have an RDS farm ( 3 x Server 2008 r2) in testing and on a remote site Thin pc ( cut down windows 7) running Remoteapp . The usual office etc. . Now if you go file open and browse to a network folder and say a word file all…
Andy Stynes
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4 answers

Install MS Office on Windows Server 2008 - in support of Quickbooks RemoteApp

How can I install MS Office on Windows Server 2008? The purpose would be to enable Quickbooks to be able to export to Excel. Quickbooks is set up to run as a RemoteApp in a Terminal Server environment. The Quickbooks applicaiton senses whether or…
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1 answer

Permissions for RemoteApp but not RemoteDesktop

I'm running WinServer2008R2 with Remote Desktop Services. I want users to have access to RemoteApp, but not RemoteDesktop. Can permissions be granted for only RemoteApp? Thanks- Jonathan
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RDWeb icons showing rdp instead of native icons

I have a server with Windows 08 R2 on it and it is dedicated as an RDS server for RDWeb. The programs that have been installed show as RDP icons instead of their native icons. I have tried several things to try and resolve this but I am drawing a…
0 answers

RemoteApp Manager SSL certificate extend expiry date

I have setup an RDP RemoteApp Server for deploying a couple of programs. The self-signed SSL certificate that I created only has a 6-month lifespan! Is it possible to extend this expiry date?
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2 answers

How can I launch RemoteApp on Windows Server from server itself at startup

I have Windows Server 2008 R2 with RDS and custom desktop (GUI) application installed on the server. The app is started as RemoteApp on server by user from his desktop computer (or, sometimes, he can work from notebook over VPN). Some details about…
1 answer

Connecting RemoteApp to Existing Session

Due to limitations of an app I've got to run, I've got a server auto logging in on boot with the app on auto start. Remote desktop at my leisure to check on its status, etc. Gross, but it works. Now I've tried out RemoteApp which seems to work ok…
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User profile paths in RemoteApp sessions

I try to setup a terminal services farm, serving some of our LOB applications. The main goal is to use them as RemoteApps through Terminal Services Gateway for the users, who are somewhere away from the headquarters. I've got no big problems setting…
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