Questions tagged [redmine]

Redmine is a flexible project management web application. Written using Ruby on Rails framework, it is cross-platform and cross-database.

Redmine Features

Below are some of the main features of Redmine:

  • Multiple projects support
  • Flexible role based access control
  • Flexible issue tracking system
  • Gantt chart and calendar
  • News, documents & files management
  • Feeds & email notifications
  • Per project wiki
  • Per project forums
  • Time tracking
  • Custom fields for issues, time-entries, projects and users
  • SCM integration (SVN, CVS, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs)
  • Issue creation via email
  • Multiple LDAP authentication support
  • User self-registration support
  • Multilanguage support
  • Multiple databases support
192 questions
2 answers

redmine multitheaded

Our redmine server is not responding due to connecting it to a large repository. It has not crashed but it's just busy until it checks it out, or whatever redmine does when you set a new repo for a project. What is surprisning is that this operation…
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1 answer

Recover Redmine Installation on Ubuntu

I am getting crazy with something and I would like some help if there is someone can help. I had an Ubuntu Server where I was running the Redmine Project Management application; and some days ago the Server crashed. I have a backup of the…
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0 answers

gitolite.conf - Write and rewind permissions (W+) are being lost everytime a git push occurs

At my company, we are adopting Redmine as the support tool for our software projects management. Since we were using git for SCM, I've installed and configured the Redmine git hosting plugin and gitolite, since its a plugin requirement. In the…
Rui Gonçalves
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1 answer

Unicorn: Sub-Url Generated Links Broken

I am currently trying to stand up an instance of redmine, however currently The generated links in my redmine instance are all broken. I am attempting to serve redmine from a sub-url i.e I have searched, but I have not found any…
2 answers

Redmine without e-mail functionality

I want to install Redmine on an air-gapped network. It has no connection to the internet or any other network. As it doesn't need an e-mail server, it doesn't have that either. My question is, can Redmine work without e-mail…
Erwin Blonk
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2 answers

lighttpd fastcgi unix bind error

I am trying to configure Lighttpd to run Redmine using FastCGI. I have added the following code to my standard lighttpd.conf: $HTTP["host"] =~ "^$" { server.document-root = "/usr/share/redmine/public/" index-file.names += (…
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2 answers

NGINX + Passenger Deployment of Redmine -- 403 forbidden

Seen this question asked a few times, tried out several posted solutions without any luck. installed phusion passenger w/ nginx, running ruby 1.9.3 under a multi-user rvm install somewhat familiar with nginx and deployment of python apps through…
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1 answer

Configure redmine that it responds on

I installed redmine just a few minutes (or hours?) ago and it works fine at my root domain "". But this is not what I want. What I want is my root domain pointing to some public stuff and "" pointing to my…
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2 answers

Redmine suddenly stopped working. How to troubleshoot?

I was a happy user of redmine for like 6 months. My plan was to set it up and never update anything in order not to deal with dependencies and stuff. I'm using Ubuntu server 10.04 (Apache/Passenger) with disabled all kinds of updates. This morning I…
1 answer

Problems with .htaccess rewrite and Ruby on Rails/Redmine

I installed Redmine and so far everything runs smoothly. Now i want to add a rewrite rule via .htaccess in order to redirect requests from domain.tdl to www.domain.tdl. This is approach works fine with my everyday php projects: RewriteEngine…
Paul Voss
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0 answers

Redmine "Internal Error" While adding quotes, Updating and other settings

I've installed redmine 0.8.7 on a ubuntu 10.04 LTS without any errors. I can add issues to it but, when it comes to update or even create a quote i get this error from the server on the browser: Internal error An error occurred on the page you were…
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2 answers

Two Redmines One Database Install (Shared Files Folder)

So I'm working on a Redmine deployment that has two web servers and one back end MySQL database. The plan is to stick one inside our network and do LDAP integrated logins. The other one goes out on our DMZ and will use the shared MySQL database for…
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0 answers

Migrate Trac to Redmine on Different Server

I have two servers - one with trac and one with a new Redmine installation. The trac server has a lot of valuable information on it (wiki pages, etc) that I would like to get to the Redmine server. I have found this migration script online, but…
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1 answer

Enhanced Redmine issues interface

We are using Redmine a lot for the issues management but we also use pivotaltracker for our features requests. The problem with our Redmine issues is that it's just too long to update (compare with pivotaltracker). Does anyone have somekind of…
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1 answer

svn: externals history with parent repository in redmine

Setting ups some bug tracking with Redmine and svn. We have one app which has a collection of smaller apps within that are stored in different svn repos, so we have svn: externals controlling the group of them into one checkout. This also allows us…