Questions tagged [redmine]

Redmine is a flexible project management web application. Written using Ruby on Rails framework, it is cross-platform and cross-database.

Redmine Features

Below are some of the main features of Redmine:

  • Multiple projects support
  • Flexible role based access control
  • Flexible issue tracking system
  • Gantt chart and calendar
  • News, documents & files management
  • Feeds & email notifications
  • Per project wiki
  • Per project forums
  • Time tracking
  • Custom fields for issues, time-entries, projects and users
  • SCM integration (SVN, CVS, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs)
  • Issue creation via email
  • Multiple LDAP authentication support
  • User self-registration support
  • Multilanguage support
  • Multiple databases support
192 questions
1 answer

Redmine 500 Internal Server Error on My account page

I used this method to install redmine I installed redmine in /opt/redmine, and i checked my log in /opt/redmine/current/log/production.log I recently upgraded from 2.5.2.stable.13345 to 2.5.3.stable.14266 My install info. Environment: Redmine…
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1 answer

Bitnami redmine change port number

We've installed Bitnami redmine on our Windows server and it's working fine at port 80. Now we have installed some other server at the 80 port and we would like to change the port number of Redmine to say 90. I have been searching for last few days…
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1 answer

accessing redmine

i just installed redmine in my ubuntu server.. when i try to access it from this address localhost/redmine its not found but when i do this script/server -e production -p 3000 then access redmine here localhost:3000 its working.. any idea.. i have…
2 answers

Setting up Redmine on Debian with Phusion Passenger, static content doesn't show up

I and some others are setting up Redmine on a Debian server running Apache. Actually, I didn't do the initial setup but I can't get ahold of the guy who did right now so I'm asking here. We are using Phusion Passenger to serve Ruby content (I guess,…
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0 answers

Rails app (Redmine) on Phusion Passenger is very slow on first request

I've recently deployed a Redmine app (production env) on an AWS server and every time I go to the page after a delay (10+ minues), it take a painfully long time for the page to load. After googling for the cause of this, I've stumbled upon a…
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1 answer

Redmine not finding my Git Repo on Debian 7.3

I'm currently facing the problem, that I get the error message The entry or revision was not found in the repository. when I want to see the repository in Redmine 1.4.4. The repository path is set to /var/redmine/git_repositories/db-hdr.git/ in…
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1 answer

Error attempting to log into Redmine through IIS 7.5 Reverse Proxy

I am trying to set up Redmine as a subdirectory of our department's intranet site, and also to rebrand it as "Workflow" using IIS's URL Rewrite extension. I have it "working" in that it will serve the page with all the correct rewrites in both the…
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1 answer

Passenger complains about Apache permissions despite 777

I installed Redmine on Fedora 18. The installation works when tested with webrick, as explained in the official HowTo. Now I want to use Passenger and Apache to host Redmine. What I get is: Passenger error #2 An error occurred while trying to…
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3 answers

How to Update Redmine on Windows (Helicon Zoo)

Quite some time ago I installed Redmine 2.1.2.stable using Helicon Zoo feed. And it's been working great (minus multi-minute app pool warm up times). What's the best way to upgrade to the latest version? The feed was last updated 2013-01-29 and is…
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0 answers

redmine-gitolite plugin post recieve hook

I have redmine installed with around 12 projects and most of them are websites/web apps. Their code is maintained on the same server using redmine-gitolite-plugin by eric ( Till now…
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0 answers

Mixing Redmine and custom authentication method in a single apache virtualhost for Redmine

I developed on Redmine a plugin to automatically log users using the REMOTE_USER given by Apache when its Kerberos ticket is accepted. This plugin works as long as the user has a corporate login, but some developers might come from other development…
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1 answer

Redmine does not return the web page

I migrated a Redmine installation from an Ubuntu machine to a Debian one (both 32-bits), and now for some reason, for some users it doesn't return the page but only a 200 OK message. Here is the flow (from Wireshark): GET /issues/142 HTTP/1.1 Host:…
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1 answer

mod_perl custom configuration directives don't work when placed in .htaccess and there is

I'm trying to complete Redmine's feature request #2693: Use to authenticate for any directory (1). I have not much knowledge on all these things and need help. Redmine uses mod_perl module for authentication &…
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1 answer

How to configure Apache2 for Redmine properly?

I have a working Redmine installation on my Debian server, but I don't know how to configure Apache2 properly so that neither the content of the Redmine folder nor the Redmine start page will be displayed as the homepage of my website. Suppose the…
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3 answers

Upgrading Redmine, activerecord-mysql2-adapter not working

For upgrading Redmine from 1.0.1 to 2.1.2, I need to execute the command: rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production However, doing so produces the following error: rake aborted! Please install the mysql2 adapter: gem install activerecord-mysql2-adapter…
David Kaczynski
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