Questions tagged [phusion-passenger]

Phusion Passenger (originally called mod_rails or mod_rack) is a Rails application server designed for easy deployment and low maintenance hosting of Rack apps, including Rails, Sinatra, Camping, and other ruby-based web development micro-frameworks. Passenger supports both Apache and NGinx webservers and is written in C++.

More about Phusion Passenger:

480 questions
1 answer

How do I set up mod_auth_cas for a VirtualHost?

I have the following in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf: Include /private/etc/apache2/passenger_pane_vhosts/*.conf I have the following in /etc/apache2/passenger_pane_vhosts/my_site.conf: LoadModule auth_cas_module…
James A. Rosen
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Unable to apt-get install nginx-extras package on top of nginx 1.7.9

I am attempting to install Phusion Passenger for nginx on a dev Ubuntu box following this guide from the passenger website. I have Nginx installed and running already, version is 1.7.9-1~trusty. I am attempting to follow the prerequisite: apt-get…
Neil Neyman
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1 answer

Out-of-order chef recipes causing apt package install to fail

I'm writing a Chef recipe to install among other things nginx and Phusion Passenger. The short summary is that the recipes on my run list are not executing in the order I expect, and that's causing an apt package installation to fail in a way I…
2 answers

Elastic Beanstalk Rails - Modify passenger config passenger_max_pool_size

I need to increase the passenger_max_pool_size for my Rails application running on passenger. I have used Elastic beanstalk for deployment. Any idea, how to go about this? Is there an optionsetting or container command to do this
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Setting passenger with Apache virtual hosts?

I am setting up a new server which I intend to host multiple Ruby on Rails applications on. The server is running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and I have set the Apache virtual hosts up so each application has it's own sites-available configuration file…
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Unable to start the Phusion Passenger watchdog

I'm trying to install Passenger (mod_rails) on Apache2 server by using the command 1. gem install passenger 2. passenger-install-apache2-module Passenger gets installed and i added the below line to my configuration file LoadModule…
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Nginx & Passenger - failed (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) while connecting to upstream

I have an Nginx and Passenger setup that is proving problematic. At relatively low loads the server seems to get backed up and start churning results like this into the error.log: connect() to unix:/passenger_helper_server failed (11: Resource…
Toby Hede
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How to setup Proxy Cache with Nginx and Passenger

I use Nginx and Passenger for my rails application. I want to use proxy cache to cache my pages. However, every request go direct to my rails application. I don't know what wrong with my configuration. Below is my configuration: user…
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How to change the temporary upload directory nginx/passenger?

When a user uploads /tmp/stream* files are created during the upload. How do I can I change the temporary upload directory from: /tmp to: /home/user/tmp Running: nginx 0.8.53 Phusion Passenger 2.2.15 (mod_rails/mod_rack) Debian Lenny
Justin Tanner
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Apache Passenger Resolve Symlinks stopped working | Invalid command

I have a Ubuntu Server (16.04.3 LTS) with Apache 2.4.18 and redmine installed, following this installation guide. Therefor I edited the ssl.conf in my apache2/sites-available and added those lines:
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Multiple Rails sites using Passenger and VirtualHosts?

What I am trying to do is run multiple Rails apps from a server machine at work. We dont have multiple hostnames for the box. We want to host some rails apps on it as well as our php apps. Currently users can connect http://computername/app/. How…
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Elastic Beanstalk with Passenger Standalone: working configuration?

I'm trying to migrate an elastic beanstalk app from Puma to Phusion Passenger. However, Passenger fails at startup with the error: /opt/elasticbeanstalk/support/conf/nginx_config.erb:48:in `block in write_nginx_config_file': undefined local…
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Cannot checkout session because a spawning error occurred

I'm trying to get my Rails app working on my VPS. I've deployed my project, created the database and migrated it. But when I visit the page I get a message: We're sorry, but something went wrong. We've been notified about this issue and we'll take…
Peter Boomsma
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Creating a stable, auto-scaling app server cluster

I have two servers, each running anywhere from 50-100 different legacy webapps, written in languages ranging from PHP to Python to Ruby-on-rails to NodeJS. We're wanting to kill off these machines as they're old, insecure and badly organised, have…
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Nginx, setup https

I'm trying to setup https on my ubuntu server with NGINX ver 1.4.7 and Phusion Passenger 4.0.41. I created .key and .csr using these two commands sudo openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 2048 sudo openssl req -new -key server.key -out…
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