I have a Ubuntu Server (16.04.3 LTS) with Apache 2.4.18 and redmine installed, following this installation guide.
Therefor I edited the ssl.conf in my apache2/sites-available
and added those lines:
<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
<VirtualHost _default_:443>
<Directory /var/www/html/redmine>
RailsBaseURI /redmine
PassengerResolveSymlinksInDocumentRoot on
This used to be working for several months, but today I edited the ssl.conf
to add another location. Now the Apache restart fails and systemctl status apache2.service
shows the following error message:
Invalid command 'PassengerResolveSymlinksInDocumentRoot', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
Neither did I change anything in the redmine part of ssl.conf
nor did I enable or disable any Apache modules.
Even reverting the changes doesn't help avoiding this error message.
Commenting PassengerResolveSymlinksInDocumentRoot
makes Apache work again, but disables the redmine installation.
passenger-config validate-install
returns zero errors if the line is commented, and 'Your Apache installation might be broken' if the line is uncommented.
Is there any way to fix this or are there any other files I should check to fix this error?