Questions tagged [phusion-passenger]

Phusion Passenger (originally called mod_rails or mod_rack) is a Rails application server designed for easy deployment and low maintenance hosting of Rack apps, including Rails, Sinatra, Camping, and other ruby-based web development micro-frameworks. Passenger supports both Apache and NGinx webservers and is written in C++.

More about Phusion Passenger:

480 questions
2 answers

Installing Phusion Passenger 4.0.20 on Ubuntu 13.10

So I'm trying to install Passenger on the newest version of KUbuntu (13.10). I installed Apache2 using the apache2-mpm-worker package using the Muon Package Manager. And these are the commands I ran. rvmsudo gem install passenger rvmsudo…
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swap space when installing phusion passenger

I tried to install Phusion Passenger and since I had less than 1GB free memory it recommended temporarily adding swap space with there commands: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swap bs=1M count=1024 sudo mkswap /swap sudo swapon /swap Passenger installed…
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Why is my Rails application hanging?

I have a Rails application of moderate complexity running under Apache/Passenger which becomes unresponsive after periods of idleness. It takes several minutes to respond, but can be temporarily revived with a web server restart. Server load is…
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Passenger 2.2.4, nginx 0.7.61 and SSL

Has anyone had any luck configuring Passenger and nginx with SSL? I've spent hours trying to get this configuration working as I'd like, using what few resources there are out there on the net, and I can't get any of the supposedly forwarded headers…
Chris White
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Nginx + Passenger : stop file uploads timing out after 30 seconds

I have a ruby app which runs under passenger and nginx. If i try to upload a largish file (eg 15+ meg), when it gets to 30s in, the upload restarts (according to chrome) and at the end of the next 30 seconds it gives up and i get a timeout. Is…
Max Williams
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Is Apache ReverseProxy to Passenger Standalone an acceptable production deployment?

I have the need to deploy Rails 3 apps, using RVM and gemsets, and am expecting “public” traffic (i.e. this is not an internal-only app). I also must use Apache as the public interface to my app. I understand that Passenger Standalone can help…
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502 Bad Gateway error after failed requests using Passenger

I've got a staging server running nginx 1.0.5 using Rails 3.1 under Passenger 3.0.9. The problem is that a request sent just after one where there's an application error return 502 Bad Gateway. To test it I've set up a simple controller with an…
Nicolas Buduroi
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passenger-status - ERROR: Phusion Passenger doesn't seem to be running

My server is: Server version: Apache/2.2.11 (Ubuntu) Server built: Aug 16 2010 17:44:11 My ruby version ruby 1.9.2p136 (2010-12-25 revision 30365) [x86_64-linux]. I've installed passenger 3.0.7 via RubyGems. I've run…
Casual Coder
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Monit is restarting apache2, should I fix the monit config, or the server config?

Monit is restarting apache2 frequently, based on the totalmem > 200m test in my apache2 stanza. I'm not sure that I actually have a problem, or if I should increase the totalmem test in my monit config. This configuration was fine until we added a…
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How to achieve zero downtime with Passenger 3?

In the technology preview posts about Passenger 3 they discussed zero downtime: In Phusion Passenger 3 we’ve implemented zero-downtime web server restart. Phusion Passenger and the web server are restarted in the background, and while this…
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Curl development headers with SSL support for Phusion Passenger 3

I'm trying to install phusion passenger nginx module, but it fails # passenger-install-nginx-module * Curl development headers with SSL support... not found ... yum install curl-devel Setting up Install Process Package…
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Running Ruby on Rails App on Apache + Passenger == to much memory

I'm running redmine (a RoR app) on my server using passenger / Apache 2.2. Passenger and ruby are using way too much memory. Is there a more memory effective way to run redmine/ruby? I only need to support a half dozen redmine users. I want to…
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Cannot install passenger with Nginx

I have a rack application that I want to migrate from Ruby 1.8.7 + Apache + passenger to Ruby 1.9.1 + Nginx + passenger. I have made up the following script for a quick install all in one, and it raises an error... Here is the installation script:…
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many instances of apache get spawned with Passenger/Rails

I have a Debian Linux VPS server for my production website (512MB). I'm using Phusion Passenger with Apache to service my Rails 2.3.4 application with Ruby 1.9. I'm limiting the pool of Phusion passenger instances to 3 Although the traffic is…
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Set environment variables from header for Ruby/Rails app hosted in Nginx/Passenger

I installed a server for Redmine, running with Nginx/Passenger. The server also hosts Gitlab and it goes well. I put some kind of SSO plugin for Redmine (which I found and installed) and it needs an environment variable to be filled with the user…
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