I have an Nginx and Passenger setup that is proving problematic.

At relatively low loads the server seems to get backed up and start churning results like this into the error.log:

connect() to unix:/passenger_helper_server failed 
(11: Resource temporarily unavailable) while connecting to upstream

My passenger setup is:

passenger_min_instances 2;
passenger_pool_idle_time 1200;
passenger_max_pool_size 20;

I have done some digging, and it looks like the CPU gets pegged. Memory usage seems fine passenger_memory_stats shows at most about 700MB being used, but CPU approaches 100%.

is this enough to cause this type of error?

Should i bring the pool size down? Are there other configuration settings I should be looking at?

Any help appreciated

Other pertinent information:

  • Amazon EC2 Small Instance
  • Ubuntu 10.10
  • Nginx (latest stable)
  • Passenger (latest stable)
  • Rails 3.0.4
Toby Hede
  • 309
  • 5
  • 11
  • Hi, I've exactly the same problem, with some traffic I got that error I'm googling around and here there is a guy with that problem, nginx+php: http://www.devcomments.com/11-Resource-temporarily-unavailable-while-connecting-to-upstream-at39723.htm My config: nginx/0.6.35 + Phusion Passenger 2.2.10 passenger_max_pool_size 6; passenger_pool_idle_time 3600; Please let me know if you find a solution, I'll do the same. Thank you –  Mar 03 '11 at 13:16
  • Same problem here. Did you ever find a solution? – Hates_ Aug 09 '11 at 09:57
  • Never did find the answer, but decreasing the passenger pool helped immensely. – Toby Hede Aug 11 '11 at 10:58
  • 1
    what did you decrease it to? – jdkealy Jan 14 '13 at 05:11
  • @jdkealy can't recall from memory, but I think I started at about 5 and worked my way back up until I saw the error again. – Toby Hede Jan 16 '13 at 10:24

1 Answers1


With the CPU approaching 100% and looking at the specs of the EC2 small instance, it sounds to me like your machine is swapping. Have a look at the output of free -m while you boot up the server and then watch it when you do some load testing.

From the docs of Phusion Passenger

A larger number results in higher memory usage, but improves the ability to handle concurrent HTTP requests.

Do you really need to handle a lot of concurrent requests? If so, you should probably invest in a larger EC2 instance and then turn up your passenger_max_pool_size. It doubt that you will need more than the default of 6 that passenger provides with that little machine.

Christoph Eicke
  • 256
  • 1
  • 6