Questions tagged [php-cgi]

55 questions
1 answer

How to fix "Segfault in Cherokee"?

I keep getting the following in my mail. The Cherokee 'panic action' script, /usr/bin/cherokee-panic, was called for pid (). This means there was a problem with the program, such as a segfault. However, the executable could not be found…
Van Nguyen
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How to Fix 'SCRIPT_NAME' while run php script using php-cgi?

I am trying to run below php file using Putty in wordpress. php-cgi -f info.php But this command throw this error Undefined index: SCRIPT_NAME. Server Setting: #fastcgi_param HTTPS $fastcgi_https; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME …
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Limit fastcgi (php-cgi) process time on Ubuntu 16.04

I want to limit the php-cgi processes time since the processes never close themselves and slowly all those processes eat the whole RAM (not cache/buffer) and the server starts going very slow. The only way right now to close those processes is using…
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How to force httpd to use newer php/php-cgi

Hi so I have problem dealing with changing PHP version on Debian Wheezy server. It was previously Debian Squeeze with PHP 5.2.17, and I made a dist upgrade and also upgraded everything related to PHP (PHP 5.6.30). "which php" command gives: …
J. Prorok
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php-fpm installed and running, but Apache24 still using CGI

On my Freebsd server, I have Apache installed with php-fpm, but phpinfo() reports that the server is using CGI/FastCGI instead of FPM/FastCGI. I can see several children of php-fpm, but they have no activity: 73819 - IW 0:00.00 php-fpm:…
0 answers

"unsupported FastCGI protocol version" error with nginx and php-cgi under high load

I'm running a Wordpress site with NGINX and php5-cgi. My setup works, in principle. However, when there are requests in close succession, I sometimes see this strange error: [error] 5057#0: *706 upstream sent unsupported FastCGI protocol version:…
1 answer

Apache spawns bunch of php-cgi processes and they don't exit - webite hangs

Out of the blue, apache started to not to respond when I tried to load my website. Website is based on Drupal just for the information. I checked server status by doing service httpd status and it showed out that apache is still running even though…
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Php5-CGI is using 100% CPU on a single hit. How do I track down the culprit?

I ran into a strange problem with a Magento Store. The server was crashing when we hat a little traffic-peak so I checked what was going on. Using htop I found out that PHP5 CGI is using up to 100% CPU on a single hit. I am on a vps but the…
Øle Bjarnstroem
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2 answers

100% CPU usage on my CentOS VPS

I have a 512 MB VPS and hosting 2 WordPress websites on this CentOS server. I have installed apache + mysql + PHP + fast cgi on this server. Everything was working great from last 6 months. I have 500 users per day on both websites combined. So no…
Robert hue
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2 answers

Global and per user php.ini

On my server (lighttpd + php-cgi) I have several php-cgi processes, each running as the user of the site it's serving. I know I can set a php.ini for each process through the PHPRC enviroment variable. Unfortunately this causes PHP to only read that…
Zeta Two
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Wordpress multisite and redirect

I come to you because I'm facing a really strange effect on my hosting. I currently manage a server contening a NGINX/PHP-CGI and a wordpress multisite in it. My sites are created using subsite.domaine.tld, for now, my three subsites are correctly…
Dr I
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What are the affects of disabling CGI on my server to enable PHP CLI

I have a DS WHM - cpanel running apache / with litespeed I have a number of websites running on this server I need to run CLI on one of the sites the CGI module is enabled in the apache build. The script I need to run has a configuration check --…
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PHP-CGI process crashing twice a day in a wordpress hosted Dedicated Server

CGI process is crashing twice a day and comes up after apache httpd process restart. I am running CentOS 6.3 Server , 16GB ram, i5 Quad core processor. With just only one wordpress blog running with site traffic around 40,000-50,000 impressions.…
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2 answers

How to debug solve 500 Internal error aws micro ec2 with suexec, Apache and php CGi

I'm running WordPress multi-site on an amazon micro ec2 with suexec, Apache and php CGi On Ubuntu 12.04 However I've been experiencing a lot of Internal server 500 errors and I'm in the process of debugging it to find a solution. I've posted my…
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How to know what .php scripts are eating debian memory?

We have apache2 web server installed with php in fastcgi Action application/x-httpd-php "/cgi-wrapper/fastcgi-wrapper" Options +ExecCGI SetHandler fcgid-script
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