Questions tagged [password-reset]

86 questions
2 answers

Lost password on EC2 SELinux instance

As the title says, I have an SELinux instance on EC2 that I haven't used for a while. I have been unable to access it via ssh since firing it back up. I have accessed it from this machine in the past, and the security group stuff on AWS is setup…
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Can I Make Password Change Reminders More Obvious

In Windows 7 and Windows 2008 is appears that Microsoft changed how users would be reminded about upcoming password expirations. In Windows XP the password expiration was very obvious. There was a password change request screen that was displayed…
2 answers

How to reset password for Dell PowerConnect 2708?

I do as the user manual says and press "Managed Mode" button to get into unmanaged mode and then press "Managed Mode" button again for managed mode. This should reset the device to factory defaults and username "Admin" with no password. However, the…
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Administrator password reset in Windows Server 2008

I lost my password for Windows Sever 2008. Does anyone know how to reset the admin password?
1 answer

2008 R2 RDS, keeps saying user must change password at first logon

We have a 2003 domain with two 2003 domain controllers on 2008 R2 functional level. Over the past week, when a user's password expires, they attempt to change it when logging into a 2008 R2 remote desktop server. They get the normal message saying…
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Password reset fails for end users when minimum password age set for more than 0 days

Our Help Desk has been resetting user passwords with "user must reset password at next logon" for years. Recently reset default domain policy for "minimum password age" from 0 days to 5 days. Now when Help Desk resets user password with user must…
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Windows computer account appears to reset its own password, why?

Has anyone seen this where a computer account appears to reset its password? The password for user 'WEST\SQLCLUSTER$' was reset by 'WEST\SQLCLUSTER$' on '' at '04/23/10 20:47:41' Event Type: Success Audit Event…
David Yu
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Reset iDrac Chassis Credentials from node

I have a blade server with 2 nodes. I cannot access the chassis drac web interface, since I received it configured with a username and password already configured, and the credentials I were given do not work. I have 2 nodes running and I can access…
1 answer

.SQL Server 2012 - sa password unaccessible

Just installed Microsoft SQL Server 2012 and Microsoft Server Management Studio on computer and am trying to connect databases to the server. The server was set up with Windows Authentication, but the software automatically assigned a password to…
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How to reset a Cisco ATA 186 to factory defaults?

I have an old Cisco ATA 186, configured by an extincted Phone Service Company, it is password protected and on TFTP client mode. I tried to reset it with IVR FACTRESET code (322873738#) but it ask for password before I can press * to confirm. I…
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Why are Active Directory password resets ignoring the Password History Count rule?

I have a situation whereby an AD domain I am working with has a sensible enough password policy in place (e.g., sufficiently high PasswordHistoryCount, MinPasswordLength settings etc.). I can change a given user's password via PowerShell easily…
0 answers

Windows Server 2008 R2 - allow more time to reset password

Good morning everyone! I apologize if this has been asked - I have tried searching every where I can think of, to include the search bar here on serverfault. I work as an IT technician at a high school, and during our first week of school, we have…
1 answer

Sparc T5240 ILOM password grief

I'm trying to reset the ILOM root password on a SPARC Enterprise T5240. Neither of the 2 methods described below work for me, so I'm after further suggestions (short of guessing the root password - I've been trying that!). Method 1 - Jumper…
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Windows Server: Stopped Services - Logon Failure

I've installed SQL Server and Apache2.4 on Windows Server 2012 R2. I need assign an Active Directory user account (with privileges) to these services for a remote communication with other applications. This works without problems. My problem is…
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Windows Server Account locked - says need to use Remote Web Access

Windows Server 2012 Essentials. I tried to log into the launchpad today and also the dashboard. Both give the following error: "The password for this user account has expired. To reset the password for this account, go to the Remote Web Access site…
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