Questions tagged [password-reset]

86 questions
2 answers

Recover sudo password of server over ssh

I am working on an ubuntu 12.04 server and i was not provided a sudo password. Now i need to recover it. I found out that we need to reboot into recovery mode to do so but we don't know how to get into recovery mode through ssh. Any idea of how is…
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proxy server user authentication

I have installed squid proxy server and now I try to find how to change password for any accounts via web. I search google and find chpasswd.cgi has this feature. I download the chpasswd-cgi.tar.gz and extract it : tar zxf chpasswd-cgi.tar.gz then,…
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3 answers

Active Directory: User must change password at next logon prevents users from logging in

When I reset user passwords in Active Directory on Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2012 and check the option User must change password at next logon it prevents users from being able to login. However when I do not check this option and…
2 answers

Delegate permissions to Admins for Password reset and "Change password on next logon" in AD

Hello i created taskpads for remote admins to reset passwords for folks at their site.I created a group for admins and gave delegation on site OU. The problem is for doing "force change password on next logon", there are certain permissions on user…
1 answer

reseting password not working in KVM guest

I lost the root password for a guest system. I mounted the guest system and changed it to single user mode. Then I used virsh console to access the guest system, which was now in single user mode, and used a command echo "root":"123456" | chpasswd…
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updating shadow file in a KVM guest in a mounted system

I have a KVM guest that I need to reset the password. If I use 'virsh console' to access the guest account, I'm able to update the shadow file with a new hash line like…
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All passwords were expired by what?

Possible Duplicate: What Win-2003 security policy expired all passwords, and how did it do it? Most of our user passwords were reset at 4:30pm local time over the weekend (non working day). Not the administrator account, but it did include some…
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Multipoint Server 2011 Local Password DART doesnt work

We have a server running some thin clients which sits on a Windows Multipoint Server 2011 (basically 2008R2). Recently this server suddenly lost the trust relation ship with the domain and I can no longer gain access to it. It was built by a person…
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Changing user passwords under Kerberos/LDAP

I've set up Kerberos/LDAP on Ubuntu 11.04 Server according to this guide. My client machines are auto-mounting NFS volumes from the server using krb5. All is good: Users can log in to any of the machines in the office and their home directories…
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Wiping out user and/or root password in embedded linux

We have a security camera system running an embedded linux. It boots with Lilo as a bootloader and has no tty access once booted. I don't know any username either. SSH/22 is open, but I don't think brute force is an option. I have tried all the…
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3 answers

How can I reset the local Administrator password for a Windows Vista client connected to a domain?

I have a Windows Vista client computer that is connected to a Windows Domain. I can login with the user account for DOMAIN\user1 and also with the Domain Administrator account DOMAIN\Administrator but the local Administrator account is locked. And I…
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reset password win server 2012

I have windows server 2012 R2 in front of me and I just can log into the server from an account that is NOT the administrator. I don't have any domain running on the server and the server is mostly file server and sage server. I need to get…
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I've locked down my server! `Login Incorrect` messaeg in Centos 7.4 and password reset not working

I have centos 7.4.1708 on VMWARE. In order to remove constraints for password length and disable dictionary checking I did some change in 2 OS files i.e. /etc/security/pwquality.conf and /etc/pam.d/system-auth. Eventually after these changes I could…
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2 answers

"The user's password must be changed before logging on the first time" when using a file server

I'm very new to network administration so please bear with me. I recently set up a new Dell server for a company, running Windows Server 2016, to act as a file server. We are also running Active Directory for the first time from this server. I…
0 answers

reset password on allied telesis 8000s

I have around 10 of these switches. I should reset the passwords on these. I can't find a solution for this. The company told me to do it via the bootloader, but I don't have access on it. Is there anyone who know the process?