Questions tagged [parse-server]

Parse provides an open source backend and SDKs for mobile and desktop applications. Tag any questions with the `parse` tag. The hosted Parse service has been discontinued in favor of the open source Parse Server self-hosted backend. Questions asking for alternative solutions are OFF-TOPIC.

Parse provides an open source backend for powering end-user applications. Parse Server is built on Node.js and uses MongoDB. In terms of clients, Parse supports a number of different platforms, including iOS (7.0+), OS X (10.9+), Android (API level 9+), Unity 5, and Windows (8+), as well as web applications. SDKs are available for a number of these platforms.

End of service

The hosted Parse backend service has been discontinued and will be available until January 28, 2017. A database migration tool and a migration guide has been provided to assist with the migration of hosted apps to the new open source Parse Server.

A comprehensive list of Parse alternatives is available here.


  • Data persistence
  • Push notifications (iOS, OS X, Android)
  • Social integration
  • Cloud code execution

Getting Started

The fastest and easiest way to get started is to run MongoDB and Parse Server locally:

$ npm install -g parse-server mongodb-runner $ mongodb-runner start $ parse-server --appId APPLICATION_ID --masterKey MASTER_KEY

You can use any arbitrary string as your application id and master key. These will be used by your clients to authenticate with the Parse Server.

That's it! You are now running a standalone version of Parse Server on your machine.

Getting help with Parse Server

Questions about hosting your own Parse Server backend should be tagged using parse.

Questions regarding the Parse SDKs are off topic, but answerable code-level questions specific to Parse can be asked on Stack Overflow using the tag.

If you are having trouble migrating your hosted Parse app and your issue is not covered in the migration guide, please file a bug report with detailed information directly with Parse.

Open sourced Parse projects

Parse Server, the API compatible self-hosted Parse backend

Download page for the SDKs

66 questions
3 answers

Parsing Command Output in Bash Script

I need a bash script that takes the output of a shell command and parses that output to pull out the id, and website url for each line in the table that can then be used to execute additional bash commands. Here's an example of the command output.…
Phill Coxon
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0 answers

How to generate JWT tokens with Parse

Im using Parse. By default, on auth, it generate tokens like r:806398efc339d133ff9c2fe52a3f6229. Is there a way to generate JWT tokens?
1 answer

Parse Server - Image files' path returns localhost

I have deployed 2 Ubuntu servers on Azure. First, I have installed the Parse Server and the second, I installed MongoDB. (I have also put a ready db there from my previous server via mongorestore) Everything works fine! Both Parse Server and MongoDB…
Sotiris Kaniras
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1 answer

Azure data disk for Parse Server

I already have deployed an Ubuntu VM from Azure and I want to install Parse Server on it. Yesterday, I saw this: screenshot from azure docs This is what I have on "Disks" of my server now: screenshot from azure portal My question is whether I need…
Sotiris Kaniras
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1 answer

Cannot GET /parse/functions/

I am quite new to maintaining Parse, but already I am about to go insane ;) We have a parse server setup on a debian machine. It runs nginx and uses pm2 for the deployment of Parse. Parse-Dashboard is working well, even our parse server is popping…
Paul Peelen
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1 answer

Parse server cloud code suddenly crashes with no logging

I have a cloud code function that was working for a few weeks and then started crashing yesterday. It causes the whole parse server to shut down and doesn't produce any logging, making it very difficult to debug. I tried calling the the Stripe API…
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1 answer

Advice on sharding the Parse Server _User collection?

The out-of-the-box _User collection in Mongo for Parse Server has a unique index on both username and email. Given that, what's the ideal strategy for sharding this collection? My initial plan was to just use _id (not hashed) but obviously that…
1 answer

Deploying Parse server with Parse Live Query on AWS elasticbeanstalk

I have deployed NodeJs Parse server with Parse LiveQuery on AWS elasticbeanstalk but it seems like LiveQuery is not working. When i try to subscribe from my iOS client app it gives me error. Error: Error Domain=SRWebSocketErrorDomain Code=2132…
1 answer

parse-server upload size limit , more than 100MB?

I am trying to upload a file to my parse server(using javascript sdk), but I need to make sure i can upload up to 500MB (for example). Is it possoible to be done in parse-server ? Can it be edited in some config file? Thank you
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0 answers

Parse server on AWS ElasticBeanStalk does not stream .mp4 PFFile to iOS AVPlayer and Safari?

Parse server hosted on AWS ElasticBeanStalk(deployed with AWS button) cannot stream .mp4 PFFile saved in mongodb on AWS EC2 (EBS) to iOS AVPlayer and Safari browser. Video plays on Chrome browser but does not play on my iOS app or Safari browser.…
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2 answers

Node.js app on ElasticBeanstalk cannot access private key file on server

I have a node.js application running on ElasticBeanstalk. Part of it's configuration is a path to a .p12 key file. When the application attempts to use the key file, a permission denied exception is thrown. My question is if I am placing the key…
1 answer

"MongoError write EPIPE" in Parse-Server Installation

I'm helping a friend with migrating a Parse app to a dedicated server as opposed to a hosting provider, and I've gotten stuck trying to resolve an error that I THINK is happening in the Parse Server instance on the server. Firstly, here is the error…
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1 answer Cloud Code Jobs Stuck Pending

Update 1: Parse has officially confirmed this as a bug they're investigating on their status page, as well as on Facebook as Benedicte Raae mentioned in an answer. Update 2: Parse has confirmed that this issue has been resolved, and it appears to be…
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0 answers

capture application logs with syslog-ng

I need to setup a log drain for an application running on Parse. My source looks like this: source s_parse { #internal(); program("/home/ubuntu/parse/" flags(no-parse)); }; and looks like…
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2 answers

Get full list of host and services from Nagios

I need to get a full list of hosts and services from Nagios, to make a decision table. I think there is two methods, querying the Nagios CGI, and parsing the Nagios cfg files. But... Nagios cfg files may not be standard and this could be a…
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