Questions tagged [sharding]

54 questions
3 answers

Run a MongoDB configuration server without 3GB of journal files

For a production sharded MongoDB installation we need 3 configuration servers. According to the documentation "the config server mongod process is fairly lightweight and can be ran on machines performing other work". However, in the default…
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4 answers

postgreSQL vs Cassandra vs MongoDB vs Voldemort?

Which database to decide upon? Any comparisions? Existing: postgresql Issues Not easily scalable horizontal. Needs sharding etc Clustering does not solve the data growth problem Looking for: Any database that is easily horizontally scalable …
2 answers

Mongo Sharding - Config Server and Mongo Authentication

I am needing to shard a database fairly soon, and am unclear on what the best practice is for enabling authentication on the mongos and config servers. I would like to have everything be secured with passwords. Should each config server have auth…
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Upgrading a mongo cluster

I am looking at adopting a Mongo cluster and am doing research. We hope to have a cluster that can scale from 10k updates per second to 100k updates per second with very write heavy traffic. The primary question is, If we wanted to move to a newer…
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MongoDB sharding: mongos and config servers together?

We want to create a MongoDB shard (v. 2.4). The official documentation recommends to have 3 config servers. However, the policies of our company won't allow us to get 3 extra servers for this purpose. Since we have already 3 application servers (1…
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What's the advantage of splitting a mysql table into smaller ones without physical distribution?

I've seen such design in my company. A big mysql table is split into tens of smaller ones of identical schema on the same server in the same db, without any physical distribution, no innodb_file_per_table, no partitioning, etc. The data is…
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Nosql autoscaling of compute

Most of the nosql autoscaling faces issue due to the fact the data have to be migrated during peak load. What if data is stored in a shared storage like CLVM which has less overhead(compared to NFS or shared file system). Now if each bucket/shard is…
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1 answer

When and how should we shard MongoDB when we are bound to physical machines?

We maintain a search service that serves data from MongoDB. Our Mongo production instance is arranged in a 4 node replica set across four physical servers. The database is comprised of several small collections and one large collection. The large…
Chris M
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What is the safest way to change MongoDB server structure?

I currently have a MongoDB replica set configured as such: { "_id" : "ahspy_mongo_set", "version" : 13, "members" : [ { "_id" : 0, "host" : "", …
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3 answers

Is it OK to shard mongodb without replica set?

Lets say I have 4 database servers. I want to add them to the "shard" cluster. That's it. No replica set, no nothing. Just 4 servers. If I turn "journaling" on all of them, is it OK?
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Add new shard - always best?

In our setup, we currently have 3 shard set sharded cluster, each shard being a replica set of 3. Our writes are about to go up significantly to implement a new feature, and we know the extra data will be necessary. The nature of our writes are…
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1 answer

Mongodb Slave replication lag

We using standard mongo setup: 2 replicas + 1 arbiter. Both replica servers use same AWS m1.medium with RAID10 EBS. We experiencing constantly growing replication lag on secondary replica. I tried to do full-resync, you can see it on graph, but it…
4 answers

Find busiest databases and tables on MySQL server

I have a busy MyMQL server with quite a few databases. I'm trying to figure out the best way to find the busiest databases (and tables) on the server so I can migrate them to a separate machine. What's the best way to go about this?
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Mongos not using secondary for read in replica/sharding mongo setup

I have a Mongo DB setup of 4 DB (2 shards of 2 replica) and I noticed that the secondary servers of each shard is not being used for read queries. Both secondary servers received all inserts, updates and deletes from their master but when I look at…
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1 answer

How to scale out by elvolving from database partitions to sharding?

Say I have a MySQL table: CREATE TABLE tweets ( tweet_id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, author_id INT NOT NULL, text CHAR(140) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (tweet_id) ) PARTITION BY HASH(tweet_id) PARTITIONS 12; All is good. The table lives on a single…
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