Questions tagged [parse-server]

Parse provides an open source backend and SDKs for mobile and desktop applications. Tag any questions with the `parse` tag. The hosted Parse service has been discontinued in favor of the open source Parse Server self-hosted backend. Questions asking for alternative solutions are OFF-TOPIC.

Parse provides an open source backend for powering end-user applications. Parse Server is built on Node.js and uses MongoDB. In terms of clients, Parse supports a number of different platforms, including iOS (7.0+), OS X (10.9+), Android (API level 9+), Unity 5, and Windows (8+), as well as web applications. SDKs are available for a number of these platforms.

End of service

The hosted Parse backend service has been discontinued and will be available until January 28, 2017. A database migration tool and a migration guide has been provided to assist with the migration of hosted apps to the new open source Parse Server.

A comprehensive list of Parse alternatives is available here.


  • Data persistence
  • Push notifications (iOS, OS X, Android)
  • Social integration
  • Cloud code execution

Getting Started

The fastest and easiest way to get started is to run MongoDB and Parse Server locally:

$ npm install -g parse-server mongodb-runner $ mongodb-runner start $ parse-server --appId APPLICATION_ID --masterKey MASTER_KEY

You can use any arbitrary string as your application id and master key. These will be used by your clients to authenticate with the Parse Server.

That's it! You are now running a standalone version of Parse Server on your machine.

Getting help with Parse Server

Questions about hosting your own Parse Server backend should be tagged using parse.

Questions regarding the Parse SDKs are off topic, but answerable code-level questions specific to Parse can be asked on Stack Overflow using the tag.

If you are having trouble migrating your hosted Parse app and your issue is not covered in the migration guide, please file a bug report with detailed information directly with Parse.

Open sourced Parse projects

Parse Server, the API compatible self-hosted Parse backend

Download page for the SDKs

66 questions
0 answers

MongoDB won't start on AWS instance using Bitnami Parse Package instance

I have parse server running on an Ubuntu AWS instance when I attempted to restart my mongoDb it won't start. I pinged my local host and there didn't seem to be any issues with that but my apache log did have some warnings/errors about port 4040…
2 answers

"CORS Multiple Origin Not Allowed" - using parse-server and apache2

I am using apache2 as a reverse proxy for my parse-server. In order to allow Cross Origin Requests I originally tried setting: Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" in the apache config file together with: ProxyPass /parse/…
1 answer

Can this inbound & outbound bandwidth of my server cause issues?

I have a social app where users do the usual stuff of other social apps; upload multiple text and photo posts every hour, like & comment (a notification is created for each action), view custom/native ads, block users (and their content) etc. The…
Sotiris Kaniras
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2 answers

Parse Dashboard - Server not reachable: unable to connect to server

I have deployed 2 Ubuntu servers on Azure. First, I have installed the Parse Server and the second, I installed MongoDB. (I have also put a ready db there) Everything works fine! Both Parse Server and MongoDB server. They also communicate well. The…
Sotiris Kaniras
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2 answers

Have Apache Parse PHP in .html Files on Ubuntu

I installed Apache and PHP by: sudo apt-get install apache2 sudo apt-get install php5 Then I created a .htaccess file in /var/www with: AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .html It parses PHP in .php files just fine, but any PHP in .html files it…
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1 answer

How you running more than one instance of parse on multi core servers?

I'm wondering if anyone is running something like pm2, forever or what ever to run more than one parse instance on servers that more than a few cores? If so can you provide any suggestions on something simple, we might be using Heroku and some of…
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