Questions tagged [parse-server]

Parse provides an open source backend and SDKs for mobile and desktop applications. Tag any questions with the `parse` tag. The hosted Parse service has been discontinued in favor of the open source Parse Server self-hosted backend. Questions asking for alternative solutions are OFF-TOPIC.

Parse provides an open source backend for powering end-user applications. Parse Server is built on Node.js and uses MongoDB. In terms of clients, Parse supports a number of different platforms, including iOS (7.0+), OS X (10.9+), Android (API level 9+), Unity 5, and Windows (8+), as well as web applications. SDKs are available for a number of these platforms.

End of service

The hosted Parse backend service has been discontinued and will be available until January 28, 2017. A database migration tool and a migration guide has been provided to assist with the migration of hosted apps to the new open source Parse Server.

A comprehensive list of Parse alternatives is available here.


  • Data persistence
  • Push notifications (iOS, OS X, Android)
  • Social integration
  • Cloud code execution

Getting Started

The fastest and easiest way to get started is to run MongoDB and Parse Server locally:

$ npm install -g parse-server mongodb-runner $ mongodb-runner start $ parse-server --appId APPLICATION_ID --masterKey MASTER_KEY

You can use any arbitrary string as your application id and master key. These will be used by your clients to authenticate with the Parse Server.

That's it! You are now running a standalone version of Parse Server on your machine.

Getting help with Parse Server

Questions about hosting your own Parse Server backend should be tagged using parse.

Questions regarding the Parse SDKs are off topic, but answerable code-level questions specific to Parse can be asked on Stack Overflow using the tag.

If you are having trouble migrating your hosted Parse app and your issue is not covered in the migration guide, please file a bug report with detailed information directly with Parse.

Open sourced Parse projects

Parse Server, the API compatible self-hosted Parse backend

Download page for the SDKs

66 questions
0 answers

High response times Parse Server

I just set up a Heroku Standard Dyno connected to Mlab M1 dedicated cluster and am seeing high response times in New Relic for some calls. Digging a bit into New Relic's transaction trace I notice a component called Middleware: anonymous thats…
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0 answers

How to view Parse Server logs in Parse Dashboard?

I'm using parse-server 2.2.14, with parse-dashboard 1.0.14. According to this merged pull request, logs can be viewed from the dashboard. But my dashboard just show "No logs in the last 30 days" whereas there actually are logs on the server. How to…
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1 answer

Cannot POST/GET over SSL

I've followed this tutorial to install parse-server on a DigitalOcean Ubuntu droplet. I've also installed parse-dashboard. It all works well except that I can't curl using SSL. Regular HTTP works fine. i.e: curl -H "X-Parse-Application-Id: AppID"…
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1 answer

Parse-server/Heroku email account verification not working

I am trying to implement the email verification system on Parse-Server (/Heroku), when a user account is created; so that the user can confirm his/her account creation. Things are working well for those matters: I can create a working account. The…
1 answer

How to scale horizontally a Parse Server?

My current setup is: 1 Parse Server - 2.6.3 1 MongoDB Server - 3.4.9 Both running on Ubuntu VMs. In a few weeks, we are expecting our user base to grow significantly! We are currently using 2 VMs on Azure... 1 as a Parse Server and the other as a…
Sotiris Kaniras
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2 answers

Horizontally Scaling Parse Server?

Are separate instances of Parse Server independent? IOW, do they coordinate through the MongoDB backend? I suspect so. If so, then I can run multiple systems behind a load balancer and synthesize something with a bit better availability. I can also…
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2 answers

Implement 'expire inactive session' feature in parse server?

The "Expire Inactive Session" feature is available in as per ( Apparently, it didn't make it into the open source parse server as per…
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0 answers

BIND cache dump file format parsing

I'm trying to analyze the contents of BIND's cache by looking into dump files, the ones generated by rndc dumpdb -cachedb. ; ; Start view _default ; ; ; Cache dump of view '_default' (cache _default) ; $DATE 20160606155942 ; authanswer . …
André Fernandes
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5 answers

Puppet: converting a custom template into config file

I took over administrative duties for an Linux environment of around 20 boxes. Trying to consolidate configuration management with Puppet. Most is straightforward, however I stumbled on the firewall rules. Previous administrator relied on a custom…
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1 answer

php file downloads instead of being processed with ajax on apache

I have a small website where some content is displayed within a HTML tag using AJAX. The content is simply taken from another page on the same web site. However, sometimes instead of loading the parsed PHP file, the browser displays a download box…
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4 answers

Real-time log parsing and reporting

We have a small project we are working on part-time that runs on Nginx/MongoDB on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server. We'd like to be able to see reports on things like server load, requests/sec, response time, DB load, DB response time, etc. Is there an open…
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1 answer

SSL on a Parse Server

I have a production mobile app running on Parse Server, hosted on DigitalOcean. This is my setup: Droplet no1: Parse Server and Dashboard Droplet no2: MongoDB And this is how the client connects to the Parse Server: let…
Sotiris Kaniras
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2 answers

Interpolate values as integers in HLC files

I am writing the template for a parametrized HashiCorp Nomad job. One of its parameters is priority, which is supposed to be an integer between 0 and 100. Like other tools, Nomad supports variable interpolation, so that a variable can be defined at…
1 answer

Unable to upload .p12 certificate from local Mac to remote parse server on AWS ec2 - bitnami

I am well aware of how to upload .p12 cert for iOS push notifications - via Heroku or Back4App. However my Parse server is hosted on AWS ec2 instance with Bitnami image. Hence I can only interact with my server via my Terminal. I tried uploading the…
1 answer

Receiving i/o failure on parse server

I am using parse server as a BAAS for my android app. Everything Is working like a charm, except, when I use the app as a single user intensely I.E. if I send several requests in a very small span of time (refreshing the data many times quickly)…
Hudi Ilfeld
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