Questions tagged [operating-system]

199 questions
1 answer

Container-Optimized OS - Erro Log everyhour

I have one VM with ContainerOS with the specific configuration: Image: cos-stable-76-12239-60-0 Machine: g1-small (1 vCPUj, 1,7 GB) CPU: Intel Broadwell Every hour this VM log these erros message: Failed to call method:…
1 answer

How to update /etc/os-release

I installed debian buster on a server while it was the debian testing release. Now that buster is the current stable release, I've updated /etc/apt/sources.list and run apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, and apt-get dist-upgrade. However my…
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How to convert swap partition from RAID1 to RAID0 using mdadm

How to convert linux SWAP memory from RAID1 to RAID0? Start with:2 exact size swap formatted partitions (/dev/sdc5 and /dev/sdd5) on 2 physically separate disks that are used via Software RAID(named md127, located /dev/md/s) in RAID 1…
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how to view memory used by operating system and web server in hyper v

I have a situation where i need to view memory and disk space used by operating systems (windows2012r2 and centos) and web servers (IIS(windows2012r2) and apache(centos)), both of them made as a virtual servers in hyper v.
2 answers

AIX SMS Menu + Netapp Multipath cause BOS migration issues

I'm performing an AIX migration from 7.1 to 7.2 using the DVD Iso on a VIOS Virtual Library. At the point the migration starts, it fails with the following message: 0516-1775 varyonvg: Physical volumes hdisk0 and hdisk4 have identical PVIDs…
Dumb admin
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How to trust/verify cloud server provider accessing your box?

it is generally admitted that a computer can be considered unsecure when someone else than the designated operator has physical access to it. But since hosted servers are remote, in a datacenter, and basically someone elses computer, how can one…
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added a new network interface, lost connectivity

After adding new subnet ip to new interface, the new ip was being used in previous interface em1 like so: ifcfg-em1:3 ... when I moved the IP to ifcfg-em2 and issued the following command ifdown ifcfg-em1:3 I lost my connection to ifcfg-em1…
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Can't disable PXE on HP DL180 G6 and thus not install an OS

I bought a 4 bay version of the HP Proliant DL180 G6 with 2x Intel Xeon L5640 and 16GB of RAM. It also has 2 x 2TB SAS Drives in Raid 1 installed. Additionally I added a SSD which should later have the OS on it (the problems were there even before…
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How do I generate a bootable .iso file from a directory?

Currently, I have selected a distribution of Linux that I like a lot and I have downloaded the .iso image which I can simply dd to an USB or CD media, etc... I would like to add some additional data to this installer image so that I do not have to…
Ben Behar
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rsync command works on Linux, not Mac OS X

I recently migrated from Linux to Mac for my primary machine. I use rsync to update several static websites. Here's the command: rsync -avzu —exclude=.git /Users/[me]/src/[site] [user]@[host]:/home/public The command ignores the git folder and…
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0 answers

Can Linux be configured to disallow a program from using mlock()?

Can Linux be configured to disallow a program from mlocking memory and/or put a cap on how much it is allowed to mlock?
Michael Martinez
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2 answers

Instruct Hetzner installimage to use SSD as primary OS drive

Purchased a dedicated Hetzner server with 2x small SSDs and 2x large HDDs paired with hardware RAID. Running installimage from Rescue OS shows this as config: # Adaptec RAID (LD 0): no name DRIVE1 /dev/sda # Adaptec RAID (LD 1): no name DRIVE2…
Petrus Theron
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3 answers

Why am I unable to find the pid of a nano process that has a file being edited by root?

I am trying to edit a file using nano and whenever I open the file for editing it gives me the following message: File /path/to/file is being edited (by root with nano 2.5.3. PID 12345); continue? Yet I can not find the process id in the list of…
Dark Star1
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1 answer

Hibernation mode in Windows

Is it possible to resume the current work session on a computer(Windows) in another computer (Windows) by copying the hiberfil.sys file?
1 answer

Windows 7 MBR problem

I've been in a trouble last days. I have a 500gb HD with 3 partitions. The bigger one (300GB) is for persistent data (college files, music, etc). In the second I've installed an Ubuntu system I use for development. In the third one I've a Windows XP…
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