Questions tagged [operating-system]

199 questions
2 answers

Debian safe backup of server system drive?

I would like to backup a Debian 9 server system drive, SAFELY, using cron (thus non-GUI solution is wanted) to a remote ISCSI drive through local network. Using EXT4 as system partition format. By "SAFELY", I mean: the backup should be atomic, race…
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Could these issues be caused by Group/Domain policies? (VMS)

i'm at wits end here and was hoping that someone could point me in the correct direction for a f ix So, the situation, my company maintains a visitor management system for a large hospital that consists of a few devices(Camera, ID scanner, badge…
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BSOD BugCheck on Multi-core system - What thread caused the crash?

I am aware that a Windows' system will crash with a stop error and "blue screen" for a few common reasons, some of which may be: A device driver or OS function that runs in kernel-mode space experiences an unhandled exception (memory access issues…
2 answers

Is iperf valid to measure network performance?

We are investigating performance issues in one of our software deployment between our application servers (Windows) and our Redis instances (Linux). On a 10 Gbits/s link single TCP connections can apparently only reach 10 Mbits/s. Opening several…
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Kickstart not working

I'm trying to create a kickstart to automate the installation procedure but when the installation ends and I check to see the result nothing happened. I'm trying to debug it by putting read statements in different places to see if everything runs.…
2 answers

Prevent users from changing the system time on windows

I don't want users to be able to change the system time. For this, I have set the Group Policy "Change the system time" to include only my Administrator account. I want to know the validity of this measure. Is there any way that despite this check,…
Nikita Rana
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Cisco IOS - terminate a process (kill a process)

How do I terminate a process similarly to kill -9 $PID? I would like to do the same as GNU/Linux offers: For example, a shell is running a Telnet session to a router, but later that router is powered off. Consequently, the shell is unusable. All I…
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Supermicro X8DT3/X8DTi hardisk not found after installing OS

I try to install Linux CentOS in server Supermicro X8DT3/X8DTi. Installation proccessed succesfully, but after server rebooting, server cannot boot into OS. When I check BIOS, no hardisk found on boot priority. I'm counfuse what's the problem,…
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Move OS from RAID5 array to RAID 1 arrays

I want to give a last boost to my old ProLiant ML350 G5 server which just needs to be reliable for a few more year only ! With a defined budget of about 1500$ (I do not have more), i plan to replace the CPU (+ adding a second one), the battery cache…
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1 answer

Use of loopback Interface in iBGP

As I understand that the loopback interface( is used to route packets back to the source. How is it then used to talk to iBGP neighbors? I understand that the goal is to ensure that the interface doesn't go down, so using an…
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Hard disk is detecting as read only

I am installing Debian Squeeze 2.6.32 64 bit OS in IBM System x3250 M4. This system is already having built in RAID. After enable the RAID, I have started to install the Debian Squeeze 2.6.32 64 bit OS. While doing the partition in the installtion,…
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"cannot receive new filesystem stream: invalid backup stream" error when unpacking flash archive on solaris 10

I've searched around but i'm having no luck with some peculiar behavior with a flash archive. I'm using HP Server Automation 9.14 to deploy the OS. I'm creating a Solaris 10 flash archive to create a snapshot default build in our environment. I…
2 answers

Install ubuntu on my KVM VM by proxmox

I'm a newbie here but I would like to understand how to install ubuntu or centOS on my VM created by KVM (in proxmox). During creation, I've set Linux 3.X/2.6 Kernel (l26) in sheet OS and Do not use any media in CD/DVD sheet. Now, in proxmox…
5 answers

Which Windows edition to use?

Looking to upgrade our OS to a 64-bit version. Server Purposes: Web Server (Apache Tomcat) Share Drive (Accessed through Windows domain and able to manage permissions) Firewall Initial Thoughts: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Standard Microsoft…
Berek Bryan
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Launchctl jobs automatically getting unloaded on snow leapord

We have launchctl jobs loaded on the snow leopard server. Somehow, every few days the jobs gets unloaded and this is causing our periodic jobs not to run. When I logon to the machine, the jobs show up again as loaded in launchctl list. Did anyone…
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