Questions tagged [operating-system]

199 questions
5 answers

Server OS: put it on a separate drive? Yes, no, or depends on the situation?

I would like opinions, or facts, both preferably, on whether it's ok to install a server's OS on the RAID array or not. I would predict installation on separate drives is the best but I'm interested in the performance. The server in question will…
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2 answers

Multiple instances of the same OS

I am soon teaching a hands-on class for which I need to spin around 20 VMs for each student. It's sort of a lab. I have about 15 students in my class. You can guess how fast this can go out of control. Running over 230+ VMs requires a lot of…
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4 answers

Can I run a newer Windows Server on older hardware?

Can I run a newer Windows Server OS on an old server equipment that is not supported? I want to know because I have a Dell PowerEdge 2900 and I have a full copy of Windows Server 2016 Standard. I want to know if its possible.
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2 answers

How to defeat NMAP's TCP/IP fingerprinting method for OS-detection

I want to evade nmap's TCP/IP fingerprinting, which it uses to detect the OS on a machine. I read A practical approach for defeating Nmap OS-Fingerprinting which explains how this can be done. It also suggests a few programs which can do this. Most…
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2 answers

how to configure the grub.cfg file on redhat 7 in order to boot from specific kernel

In Red Hat EL versions 5 and 6 we can easily to update the /etc/grub.conf in case we want to change the kernel by default variable For example , grub.conf on redhat 5 default=0 timeout=5 #splashimage=(hd0,0)/grub/splash.xpm.gz #hiddenmenu …
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4 answers

Virtualization for efficiency? Doesn't it defeat the point of an OS at all?

This link VMware Virtualization seems to be saying that running a virtual machine and spreading your applications between OS's is more efficient than otherwise. How can this be true? Doesn't a VM defeat the ability of the main OS to do its job…
nona urbiz
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2 answers

SCCM - Disable automatic restart of failed task sequence

Specifically 2012, but I'll take what I can get: When a task sequence fails, it automatically starts a 15 minute countdown and then restarts (provided there is no command prompt open). Is there a way to disable this at the task sequence level? I…
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3 answers

How to migrate a VMWare Fusion OS to an actual partition?

As the title says. How can I migrate a VMWare Fusion OS to run on bare metal hardware?
Brock Woolf
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1 answer

FreeBSD vs. Illumos

I am using FreeBSD since some years now for server use and archlinux for desktop. I really use many features of FreeBSD (ports, zfs, jails, pf, ...) now I read about Illumos an OpenSolaris derivate. OpenSolaris itself aslong as I know isn't getting…
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7 answers

Barriers preventing from deploying 64-bit OS in workstations?

At my workplace, our servers have run 64-bit OSes for years. But the workstations are a problem. Very few applications and drivers work well on 64-bit OSes. Those few cases are enough to prevent the deployment of 64-bit OSes on workstations. Why…
Jader Dias
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4 answers

Nginx and PHP-FPM on OS X

I've been wanting to try out Nginx with PHP-FPM. I installed Nginx via Macports. I read that PHP 5.3.3 includes PHP-FPM, however, the PHP 5.3.3 configuration on Macports does not enable it. Can anyone explain or refer me to a tutorial on how to…
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1 answer

RHEL 7 / Centos 7 Copy package with all depedencies from server A (installed package) to server B (offline)

I have two server,then these servers need to install postgresql10 , server A could install postgresql10 using yum install , but server B has a rule that is not allowed to connect the internet. So I trying to install with rpm file in server B. I…
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1 answer

Is load average affected by lack of memory?

I've read several articles about load average and all explained that the load average is the amount of processes in running/waiting to run state on CPU , so it's actually the CPU's run queue + the processes waiting for I/O . I then saw a blog post…
John Doe
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3 answers

How to ping a server to discover what OS or other software it is running?

I occasionally look at sites like netcraft and am curious if there is an unobtrusive way to ping a server and see what publicly facing software it is running? Are sites like netcraft using some sophisticated heuristics to infer their data or can…
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10 answers

OS / Distribution for a small network firewall / gateway

I'm planning to setup a small network (< 10 computers) and intend to set up a server to serve as my gateway / firewall. What Operating System (I'd prefer something *nix) and distribution should I use? Things to consider: Security Low…
C. Ross
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