Questions tagged [nice]

A tool to change the priority of a process, giving it more or less CPU time.

47 questions
1 answer

init process' nice level

The init process on a Debian server (VPS) I've inherited has its nice value set to +10. There's nothing particularly obscure installed on the system. It has a LAMP stack and does a lot of IO and will need upgrading soon. My suspicion is that a…
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How do I allow www-data to (negatively) change the niceness of a process in Linux?

So I'm running a website using django and sometimes I call scripts located on the server by spawning a subprocess in python. When looking at the processes with "top" I see these are called under the user "www-data". Because I want this server to…
1 answer

nice command - are other commands executed with script also niced?

A quick question about how nice works. Say if I have a script that runs in the crontab like so 0 4 * * * nice -n 19 /usr/local/admin/ It is set to the lowest priority. This script will start other commands within it. Will these commands…
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1 answer

Why are my "nice" levels not reflected in CPU usage?

Given a VM with 1 CPU. I run two similar CPU intensive tasks in two terminals: /usr/bin/nice -n -20 perl -e 'while(1){$a=1+1;}' /usr/bin/nice -n 19 perl -e 'while(1){$a=1+1;}' I would expect that when I check with top, 1 process would take all the…
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1 answer

Guideline for `nice` priority number?

I'd like a more systematic way for prioritizing my tasks with nice(1). Obviously 0 is "normal", 19 is "lowest priority" and -19 is "highest priority", but what about all the other numbers? If I have a job that is non-interactive (I'll go get coffee…
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Process niceness value

I was just looking for some clarification about the niceness value of a process, or perhaps some advice if I'm going about this all wrong. Say I have a couple dozen web server processes on a single machine, and I'm worried about any given one of…
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3 answers

Limiting maximum cpu time for user-launched programs

We have a cluster running CentOS with Sun Grid Engine for research simulations. However, some users who aren't too familiar with the system end up running jobs on the head node, which of of course makes things slow for everyone else. In the future,…
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1 answer

What's the effect of the nice param in the mysqld_safe settings

We have a server that only runs MySQL. I'm trying to increase its performance to the maximum, and I was wondering whether changing the nice setting in my.cnf would have any favorable effect. Anyone?
Julien Genestoux
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3 answers

VLC video encoding produces high 'nice' load

There is a server with vlc process for real-time video encoding. Here is output of top with 1(show processors) and H(show threads) top - 15:50:26 up 42 min, 1 user, load average: 2.64, 2.60, 2.45 Tasks: 130 total, 7 running, 123 sleeping, 0…
1 answer

How to configure the niceness or priority of service started on boot

I want to increase the niceness of an service (decrease the CPU priority) started as an dedicated user or group during the boot process. I'm not able to define the niceness or priority in the /etc/security/limits.conf or ./limits.d/ directory for…
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0 answers

Logstash from RPM fails to run under nice command

I downloaded the Logstash RPM logtsash-1.4.2-1_2c0f5a1.noarch from the official site, but have been having problems getting it to run from the init script. I get no log data passed to Elasticsearch/Kibana unless I change the nice value (LS_NICE…
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How to Prioritise ssh logins (nice)

Exact duplicate of this question, which has an accepted answer that doesn't solve the problem. How do I set sshd to run with a higher priority, so that even if the system is massively overloaded (e.g. by a fork bomb) and the cpu usage is at 100%, I…
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2 answers

Linux Host: Background Jobs + VM + Prioritization?

I'm running a setup consisting of a Linux host OS and a Windows 7 guest (VMware Workstation). I'm trying to run 16 CPU-bound background jobs on the Linux host at nice values of 19 (the lowest possible priority; one for each virtual CPU) and…
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2 answers

Webalizer causing high CPU load

We use webalizer to generate reports on our Apache access logs - it is useful in conjunction with Google Analytics. The problem is that webalizer uses ALOT of CPU when running. If I run top I can see two perl processes with 90% CPU - this slows down…
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0 answers

Process with higher nice uses greater resources

We have an emulated SUSE 390 system where the niceness is not being respected by specific processes. We're seeing multiple instances of processes with a niceness of 10 superseding processes that have a niceness of -15. (see below). In this…