Questions tagged [nice]

A tool to change the priority of a process, giving it more or less CPU time.

47 questions
1 answer

Changing priorities of background vs foreground processes?

The commends nice/renice have no effect between processes started as foreground process and processes started as background processes. Even with maximum niceness on the foreground processes they get always more attention. While this makes a lot of…
Peter B.
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Running Hudson builds with a lower process priority

At my office we have an older server running Hudson (1.395) and a collection of other things (JIRA and SVN being the important two). When Husdon is running builds, the slowdown on the server is very noticeable. I've been trying to find a way to…
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How "nice" determines amount of cpu resource to give

Is there a particular formula to calculate the amount of cpu resources that is allocated for a process when you "nice" it?
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3 answers

How to run docker build at lower priority?

I often have to re-build Docker images, and I do that inside the host I run my containers in. Occasionally I see that this puts considerable pressure on the CPU, so I thought I could run docker build under nice -n19, but this seems to make no…
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0 answers

rsync: Maximum nice to keep system responsive

Unfortunately a background rsync reduces the responsiveness of a server. I search a way to have maximum niceness for this background task, to keep the server respond fast. My current wrapper commands are this: nice -n19 ionice -c3 nocache Source:…
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Automatic CPU load balancing for program or program group under Linux?

assume the following setup: system (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS) with 40 cores, lots of RAM. Additionally a program which is only partly multithreaded. That is, it constantly switches between running on multiple cores for hours and then on only one core (also…
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2 answers

getting an application to run with the same priority as cpu idle

I have a solaris server that needs to run a timecritical application as fast as possible, although setting it to the RT priority class doesnt seem like a good idea since it may need 100 CPU for prolonged periods. I would like to use the idle cpu…
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1 answer

slow down processes (cpu usage)

I found out that an imagemagick/convert application on my VPS is causing troubles due to high load on my box. Now i added renice with priority 10 to all of these convert-processes for throttling each minute. However, I am not sure if it really slows…
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nice cpu usage showing, but process wasn't explicitly run with nice

About 25% of my CPU usage is attributed to "nice" which is all coming from one process. The process in question was not started with nice(1) nor was it adjusted with renice(1) -- at least not manually. OS is Debian Squeeze. How can I find out what…
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2 answers

ionice process group?

Is there an easy way to change the I/O priority of a whole group of processes the way renice -g does? It seems like only changing the I/O priority of a single process is supported by ionice. If this can't be done, can someone please point me to…
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3 answers

nice renice and ionice

I've read about nice renice and ionice to control the scheduling priority of running processes. However, I still don't understand when and how are they useful for. For instance doing something like: nice -n 13 pico myfile.txt
2 answers

processes running nice +20 still make the system sluggish

if i have a process that i wish to run in the background on all cores, it can make the system extremely sluggish, even running at nice +20. Running out of memory or io is not the issue. Is there any easy way of reducing the cpu priority below this,…
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2 answers

Why is CPU usage somewhat "nicer" today than yesterday?

First post here from an eager learner more educated with front end. Please consider the following munin graph: Considering the general traffic the site on this box got today was the "same" as yesterday, and it was doing the "same" work, why was the…
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1 answer

Get NewRelic to respect ionice'd processes

On our web server, we perform an incremental backup of our files every 4 hours using rsnapshot. To perform the actual copying of files, I've configured it to use a custom script, cp-nice that has the following contents: nice -n19 ionice -c3 cp…
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1 answer

MySQL 5.6.21 on Debian 7.7 -- nice is automatically set to 19 several seconds after starting it up; can't figure out why

I'm running MySQL 5.6.21 on an OpenVZ VPS with Debian 7.7. MySQL is installed from the DotDeb repository (full version number is 5.6.21-1~dotdeb.1). Whenever the MySQL server is started or restarted, at first its niceness is 0. However,…