Questions tagged [nice]

A tool to change the priority of a process, giving it more or less CPU time.

47 questions
0 answers

How to permanently change niceness of apache2 process on a Debian server?

I have Debian 11.2 with Apache2. I'd like to change niceness of all of my apache2 processes, or at least mod_wsgi processes, to +5. How can I do it? Adding Nice=5 to /usr/lib/systemd/system/apache2.service didn't change anything, probably because…
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1 answer

Setting nice value of all user processes in realtime based on his CPU usage

In order to balance users CPU consumption on a shared computing server, I would think it very useful if one could: set the nice level for all processes of a user furthermore, adapt this level in realtime furthermore, adapt this level not only to…
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