We have an emulated SUSE 390 system where the niceness is not being respected by specific processes. We're seeing multiple instances of processes with a niceness of 10 superseding processes that have a niceness of -15. (see below). In this instance, the expectation is that process 21937 would have priority and yet we see 9731 and 10339 getting higher CPU.

I've performed some research on this and was led to discussions on automatic process group scheduling. However, we've read that this was added in the 2.6.38 kernel and our system is running 2.6.5-7.191-s390x and doesn't have /proc/sys/kernel/sched_autogroup_enabled.

Can you help us understand why this behavior occurs? Is there a fix action we can enact to change how the processes share resources?

top - 14:35:08 up 342 days,  3:15,  2 users,  load average: 14.58, 13.25, 12.28
Tasks:  76 total,   2 running,  69 sleeping,   1 stopped,   4 zombie
Cpu(s): 24.8% us, 44.6% sy, 25.1% ni,  0.0% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  5.5% si
Mem:   2050140k total,  2037772k used,    12368k free,   127408k buffers
Swap:   359896k total,     4184k used,   355712k free,  1291592k cached

 9731 testing   26  10 72656  22m  14m S 99.9  1.1   0:06.57 <REDACTED>
10339 testing   25  10  305m 172m  20m S 99.9  8.6 221:35.28 <REDACTED>
21937 builder   10 -15 93232  84m 7928 R 20.4  4.2   0:35.93 <REDACTED2>
10371 testing   26  10  323m 187m  22m S 13.2  9.4 340:11.35 <REDACTED3>
 9908 testing   26  10  153m  33m  16m S  8.3  1.7   0:07.14 <REDACTED3>

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