Questions tagged [process-priority]

23 questions
4 answers

nice sudo or sudo nice?

is there any difference between running an intensive task over sudo with the following commands?: nice sudo [intensive command here] sudo nice [intensive command here] BTW this is for Linux 3.x.
3 answers

Guaranteeing SSH access on a stressed server

I had an issue some time ago with a server in which Apache and Snort was occupying 100% of the processor, making the sshd unresponsive through remote access. I had to go physically to the server to log on a local TTY and then stop apache/snort. I'm…
Renato Todorov
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3 answers

Setting default nice value for a program on linux

Strange as it seems, I can't find information how I can set a default nice value for a program (not for a user or a group!). I would like to start all chrome and firefox instances with a nice value of 10. What would be the most appropriate solution?
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When is sustained 100% CPU utilization not a worry?

Please help refine a discussion going on in our shop. Consider the following scenario. There is a Microsoft VPC running several apps and services (Windows 2003 server). The server has two or three critical roles. Every so often, CPU utilization goes…
1 answer

KVM + cgroups: Dom0 process best practice?

I am transitioning from Xen to KVM, and will be using Fedora 14. I plan to use cgroups to assign priorities to VMs. My question is as follows: If I place VMs in various cgroups, should I also put all other Domain-0 (physical host) processes in a…
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Allow user modify nice without giving root permisions

Is there any way to allow user modify process niceness without giving root permisions? OS: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS
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Does process priority in task manager affect network traffic?

I'm running a database server that's under moderately heavy load. I just kicked off xcopy on that box to copy a database backup to a remote server. I see that xcopy is using almost all my available bandwidth. I'm worried that it will hog bandwidth…
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3 answers

How to set a low process priority for everything spawned from a command prompt in XP?

As a developer, once or twice a week I run a full build on my XP dev machine. This will run at 100% cpu for 30 or 40 minutes, making my machine useless for anything other than basic browsing & email. Is there anyway I can specify that for a given…
Binary Worrier
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2 answers

Run PowerShell script with Service Start

I'd like to set the Affinity and Priority of a service process when it is started (without modifying the service/process code, I don't own the code, it's a 3rd party service). I know I can do: $Process = Get-Process…
1 answer

How "nice" determines amount of cpu resource to give

Is there a particular formula to calculate the amount of cpu resources that is allocated for a process when you "nice" it?
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2 answers

getting an application to run with the same priority as cpu idle

I have a solaris server that needs to run a timecritical application as fast as possible, although setting it to the RT priority class doesnt seem like a good idea since it may need 100 CPU for prolonged periods. I would like to use the idle cpu…
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3 answers

CentOS server priority of root services and non root services

Is there any priority difference between root user process and non root process on CentOS? When I run on a nodejs server as root user, it goes smooth and after some time (say after weeks) it hangs the entire server and needs a hard reboot. Why…
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3 answers

Change Windows Service Priority

I have a windows service that needs to run with High Priority. At the end of the day I want to use this script to modify the priority after service startup: Const HIGH = 256 strComputer = "." strProcess = "BntCapi2.exe" Set objWMIService =…
1 answer

Priority of DNS servers

I actually have 2 DNS providers and 3 DNS server. The first and is from CloudFlare - primary, and the third is from BuddyNS - this one should be used only for backup. Backup: the server should be only when are primary server unavailable. Is this…
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1 answer

Guideline for `nice` priority number?

I'd like a more systematic way for prioritizing my tasks with nice(1). Obviously 0 is "normal", 19 is "lowest priority" and -19 is "highest priority", but what about all the other numbers? If I have a job that is non-interactive (I'll go get coffee…
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