Questions tagged [ms-dos]

The name for Microsft's implementation of the Disk Operating System.

The name for Microsft's implementation of the Disk Operating System. Often referred to as just "DOS," which is also an acronym for Denial of Service.

70 questions
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Virtualized MS-DOS computers can't communicate over IPX

I converted 2 MS-Dos 6.22 machines to virtual machines. Both computers have software that communicates over NETBEUI and IPX (I came to that conclusion after inspecting autoexec.bat - It loads IPX stack). I followed this Vmware Forums post and…
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23 answers

Finding day of week in batch file? (Windows Server 2008)

I have a process I run from a batch file, and i only want to run it on a certain day of the week. Is it possible to get the day of week? All the example I found, somehow rely on "date /t" to return "Friday, 12/11/2009", however, in my machine, "date…
Daniel Magliola
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1 answer

DOS printer text output has wrong characters on "new" computer

I'm trying to rescue an old DOS 6.2 application that originally ran on a 486 DX2 computer. I've moved the hard drive into a relatively newer Celeron 633, and everything seems to work fine except for when I try to print to the parallel port (LPT1)…
Alex J
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5 answers

How can I create multiple, numbered copies of a file in Windows?

I have a file named poll001.html, and need to create 100 copies that are named incrementally (i.e poll002.html, poll003.html...etc). I know this is stupid, but it is what boss-man wants. any suggestions to this with either a script, command-line, or…
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4 answers

Checking parameters in a DOS batch file

We have a batch file that takes parameters. We then read the value of the parameter using %1 for the first parameter. Question is: How can we check that %1 has a value?
Shiraz Bhaiji
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Windows 10 share to MS-Dos 6.22 failing after an update from Windows 7

Updated a Windows 7 machine to Windows 10 and can no longer connect to the network share on a dos machine. The MSDOS 6.22 machine is a piece of industrial hardware that uses a mapped network drive connecting via netuse x: \\smbserver\dxcontrol The…
4 answers

How do you create a symbolic (hardlink) in CMD.exe

I need to do this without installing software... Any ideas? MSDOS (cmd.exe) on Windows XP
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2 answers

What is the function in Windows similar to Inode in Linux?

Is there any commands which is same as the function inode in Linux. Any info will be helpful.
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Is it possible to connect a DOS pc to a windows 2003 domain

We are in the process of upgrading our domain from windows 2000 to windows 2003. We have a few old DOS machines that need to be able to access a share on a server on the domain. We are using MS Lan Manager 2.2a, and everything works fine on the 2000…
Simon P Stevens
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4 answers

Why does 16bit DOS program not print to network share

I have a DOS application(running on Terminal Services, Win Server 2008 Standard 6.06002 SP2). I need to print to my shared printer on my computer. net use lpt2: \\mycomputer\myprn. When I "copy file.txt lpt2", it works flawlessly. When my…
simon tan
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2 answers

Virtualising a VERY legacy app

Looking for a bit of help on this one. I have a customer who has a VERY old MS DOS application that is written in some 3GL language of unknown origin. The original software vendor went out of business back in 1996 or so and no support. I need to…
7 answers

How to create a yesterday date in a batch

copy \\server01\E$\LogFiles\IVR\bcR\??120428.* \\LBC\workgroup\cs\ftp\Team\bcR\ copy \\server02\E$\LogFiles\IVR\bcR\??120428.* \\LBC\workgroup\cs\ftp\Team\bcR\ copy \\server03\E$\LogFiles\IVR\bcR\??120428.* \\LBC\workgroup\cs\ftp\Team\bcR\ copy…
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2 answers

Virtualize MS-DOS desktop & copying the HDD verbatim

Here at work, we have one user with some specialized legacy software, the developer of which has gone "belly up"* a long time ago. When trying to copy the program to other systems (trying to check if it works in compatibility mode), we get a stern…
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6 answers

FoxPro 2.6 DOS on Windows 7 64-bit

I support a company that has a very old, mission critical, FoxPro for DOS 2.6 (FPD) application. For variuos reasons the company didn't adapt/migrate their app, which, ironically, has been running even better under Windows XP (and 32-bit Win7)…
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2 answers

Batch file IF %time% not working

I'm trying to make a batch file to shutdown PCs if they're used out of the allowed times. It'll be triggered on boot, but because you can't have 'if and' triggers in Windows Task Scheduler it was necessary to build the time check in to the…
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