Questions tagged [phpmyadmin]

phpMyAdmin is a popular tool for administrating MySQL (and similar) databases

PMA is best known as a GUI for managing not only the data within a database, but the table structures as well. Because and other MySQL forks are similar enough they can also be administrated with this tool.

phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations on MySQL and MariaDB. Frequently used operations (managing databases, tables, columns, relations, indexes, users, permissions, etc) can be performed via the user interface, while you still have the ability to directly execute any SQL statement.

Questions about this tool should be focused on the problems with setting it up and not using it to manage the database.

214 questions
5 answers

How to export result of a MySQL query using phpMyAdmin 3.4.3?

I've got a 30K row table When I run a long, 50-line query on that table, a GROUP function reduces the number of rows to 7K I want to export the grouped 7K rows as a new table, or save them as a CSV When I attempt to export, instead of getting the…
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Is there any way to disable grouping databases in phpMyAdmin?

If you have db names like test_db1 test_db2 phpmyadmin would create a group test. The group appears in the left side-bar with related databases displayed under it. How can I disable this feature?
Eugene Yarmash
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blank page with errors in browser's console

I have installed phpmyadmin and symlinked it on my LEMP server(php 7).But when i goto hostname/phpmyadmin it returns a blank page with phpmyadmin icon on titlebar. And 3 errors in browser's console: Failed to load resource:…
YaSh Chaudhary
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Invalid key length error when trying to connect phpmyadmin to remote MySql over SSL

I get these error messages when logging in to phpmyadmin instance Error during session start; please check your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly. Also ensure that cookies are enabled in your…
Anadi Misra
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1 answer

phpMyAdmin uses port 80 on CloudFlare Flexible SSL

I currently have 3 websites on a dedicated server (running on one IP address). For one of the sites, SSL is active on the server and phpMyAdmin runs fine. After you log in you are redirected to the correct location (https://example.tld/phpmyadmin…
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phpmyadmin setup failing due to not prompting for root password

An error occurred while installing the database: │ │ ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using │ password: NO) . Why on earth is it not prompting me for the root password during the setup of phpmyadmin? This is just…
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1 answer

Nginx location blocks don't apply to .php files inside them?

So to help prevent brute force attacks against my phpmyadmin install I've configured nginx to require HTTP Basic Auth (extra username and password) and then the requests need to come from a whitelisted IP Address. However the IP Address whitelist…
1 answer

nginx shows 200 ok status but doesn't load page

I have installed nginx,php7.0-fpm and mysql on my ubuntu 16.04 server. Everything works fine however It doesn't load a setup page of phpmyadmin. Below is my phpmyadmin nginx block. location /phpmyadmin { root /usr/share/; index…
Shailesh Sutar
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5 answers

phpmyadmin on apache2 reload: Unknown Authz provider: valid-user error

After standard installation of phpmyadmin on Ubuntu 14.04 I found /phpmyadmin doesn't work. After googling it, I found this can be solved with adding this line Include "/etc/apache2/conf-enabled/*.conf" Added to /etc/apache2/apache2.conf…
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1 answer

Apache Start Fails due to missing mpm module

I originally posted this question on StackOverflow. Before it was taken down as off topic, the answer and comments were leading to MPM not being loaded I tried sudo apt-get install apache-mpm-prefork but was given the error: E: Unable to locate…
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2 answers

#1146 - table doesn't exist but showing in sidebar in phpmyadmin

I copy my database files from windows wamp/bin/mysql/mysql5.6.17/data into my ubuntu /var/lib/mysql/ Folders of my database_name and ibdata1, ib_logfile0, ib_logfile1 files. Now my all databases and tables are visible into phpmyadmin but when…
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phpMyAdmin export, half file compressed?

Okay, I have to admit, that I derped up. I've exported a database from a to-be-reinstalled server and didn't check that file. Now, that I try to import it, I've discovered something very strange, the file was supposed to be GZIP compressed, yet it…
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2 answers

PHPMyAdmin "#2006 - MySQL server has gone away" during login

First: I've searched all over Google and although this looks like an infamous error, none is actually my case and hence no fix is available. OK so today I encountered this something weird: PHPMyAdmin suddenly refuses to log me in. Logging and…
An Phan
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1 answer

Find source of sleeping mysql connections

We have a very large number of PHP scripts running on our server that do a variety of things. Lately I've noticed that when looking in PHPMyAdmin there are a large number of connections to our MySQL server just lingering. Normally we're very good…
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0 answers

Why do I get an OpenSSL Error when connecting PHPMyAdmin through SSL?

I'm running PHP 5.6.11 on Apache 2.2 with OpenSSL 1.0.1 on Ubuntu 12. I've sucessfully setup SSL in Apache and MySQL. Now I want to set up a PHPMyAdmin and connect it through SSL. I don't really need it on localhost, but I dont have another way to…
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