Questions tagged [mod-fcgid]

124 questions
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Apache 2.2, worker mpm, mod_fcgid and PHP: Can't apply process slot

We're having an issue on an apache server where every 15 to 20 minutes it stops serving PHP requests entirely. On occasions it will return a 503 error, other times it will recover enough to serve the page but only after a delay of a minute or more.…
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How to I track how many php-cgi processes are in use

I'm running apache 2.2 with PHP 5.2 in FastCGI mode with mod_fcgid. The platform is RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.5 x86_64. I have my minimum and maximum fastcgi slaves set to 35. How do I track how many php-cgi processes are busy at a certain point in…
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Apache w/ fcgid and suexec: second vhost returning 'Forbidden'

I have an Apache install set up with suExec and vhosts.. The original ("primary") vhost works fine, but I'm having some issues with a second one I've added; returning a 403 response. Considering this is just a development instance for the same site,…
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mod_fcgid: No space left on device

I'm having a problem where apache2 won't start at all on my VPS, and it outputs this error: [Mon May 09 07:00:38 2011] [emerg] (28)No space left on device: mod_fcgid: Can't create shared memory for size 13018600 bytes I know for a fact that I have…
Sam Bloomberg
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Apache mod_fcgid keeps giving error

I have ubuntu server, PHP 5.3.2, Apache/2.2.14. and i have drupal website on this server. whenever i try to upload image using imagemanager drupal module i got the following errors in apache log and dont get my uploaded image as expected: [Sun…
Alaa Alomari
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Apache2 PHP Notice errors logged

My /var/log/apache2/error.log is filling up about 1GB per hour with PHP Notice errors. I've tried adding this: /apache2.conf php_value error_log none And in my /cgi/php.ini: error_reporting = E_ERROR display_errors = On display_startup_errors =…
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optimizing mod_fcgid for a dedicated site

I'm using mod_fcgid and I'm trying to find resources on how I can optimize it for running a dedicated website, but have had no luck... So far I have: I've got apache2 running and I'm trying to have php processes spawned and always running so apache…
3 answers

Why is my apache2, mod_fcgid, php configuration causing 100% cpu usage?

Page load makes a quick initial connection, then hangs about 10 seconds before the page renders. When the server load goes up I start watching top & I see that both CPUs get pegged at times to 100% by between 4-8 processes of php-cgi. My theory is…
Scott Lundgren
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FastCGI + Apache: How to map a url to a specific fastcgi binary

I have written two C++ fastcgi applications (foo and foobar). I am running apache 2.2 (prefork) with mod_fcgid on Ubuntu 10.x. I want to be able to setup apache so that: http://mywebsite/some/path1?param1=value1¶m2=value2 will run the fastcgi…
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Mindtouch with fcgid - Fast CGI apache worker thread

Anyone got Dekiwiki / Mindtouch running with fcgid-module? I get 504 and 500 all the time. mod_fcgid: can't apply process slot for /var/www/html/dekiwiki/index.php [Tue Dec 28 06:14:03 2010] [warn] (104)Connection reset by peer: mod_fcgid: read…
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How to debug a leeching apache process?

I am running apache2 with mod-fcgid, suexec and SysCP. From time to time, the apache process gets stuck using 100% CPU on one core on my server. The apache is also unable to handle any additional requests in this state. I need to kill -9 the process…
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Apache + mod_fcgid + perl = error 500

I'm trying to setup Apache2.2 with mod_fcgid and libapache2-mod-perl2 with no luck. I've created a fcgi-bin directory in the root directory of my website and put there a test.fcgi file with the following content: #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI; print…
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2 answers

fcgi_mod and phpmyadmin

I have setup Debian Lenny, Apache2, PHP 5.3.1 fcgi_mod, and MySQL and it works fine. But PHPMyadmin doesn't work. When I go to : it downloads the index.php under PHPMyadmin instead of executing it. I think I need to wrap…
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Apache server is throwing error intermittently get unexpected signal 6

I am facing some weird issue for autoscaling one of service in AWS ECS cluster. Might be this is reason "[Thu May 26 10:27:27 2022] [error] mod_fcgid: process /var/www/cgi-bin/mapserv(18180) exit(communication error), get unexpected signal 6" if yes…
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Is FastCGI OK in 2021?

It appears most discussions about FastCGI here are frozen from nearly a decade ago and so as someone who just decided to start making use of it, I'm wondering if I am making a mistake with unforeseen security or compatibility issues ahead of me.…
Timothy R. Butler
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