Anyone got Dekiwiki / Mindtouch running with fcgid-module? I get 504 and 500 all the time.

 mod_fcgid: can't apply process slot for /var/www/html/dekiwiki/index.php
[Tue Dec 28 06:14:03 2010] [warn] (104)Connection reset by peer: mod_fcgid: read data from fastcgi server error.
[Tue Dec 28 06:14:03 2010] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: index.php

I'm currently fiddling with SuExec and fast-cgi wrapper directory permissions, because I also employ a chrooted SFTP jail. Sometimes the first line about the process slot does not appear now.

I found a solution in german and will work it through now.


1 Answers1


Enter in httpd.conf: LogLevel debug

It will work wonders for your /var/log/httpd/error_log file.

The rest is permissions, rewrite rules and understanding suexec (see apache docs)

Also pay attention to your php-fcgi-starter file settings. You have to export the PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN variable.


Also see here (http://debianforum.de/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=78073&start=105) [german]

This are the final configurations that worked for me:


#export PHPRC
exec /usr/bin/php-cgi

Make sure your dekiwiki-apache.conf is tidy and neatly nested. Enable any modules in httpd.conf for required options like ProxyPassReverse.

Make sure to nest the rewrite rules into the <Directory /var/www/html/yourwikiname> directive. Set AllowOverride All, make sure it isn't unset anywhere for that directory.

Another 'peace of the puzzle' that helped me was to use the latest mod_rewrite rules from mindtouch via SVN.

It's also important to set these values in httpd.conf according to the /usr/sbin/suexec owners.

User apache
Group chrootJailGroup

Don't forget if you change suexec's owners you have to set the suid again.

ls -lisha /usr/sbin/suexec 
-r-s--x--- 1 root chrootJailGroup 14K Aug 30 18:32 /usr/sbin/suexec