Questions tagged [memory-usage]

The amount of memory required by a program or the system for a specific task.

589 questions
1 answer

Why does the httpd process consume so much memory?

Possible Duplicate: Server refuses to use swap partition I am using Linux with Koloxo panel for site management. My database server went down, and I think it happened because of a lack of memory. This is even though the machine has 8GB memory and…
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1 answer

Is there a program to diagnose and summarize why my mchine is slow?

Is there a program that will tell me why my server is slow? What is being over utilized? CPU / Memory / Disk / Network ... and what processes are driving that utilization? I want a program that can check and explain it to me. (I don't want to…
1 answer

mysql hot add memory

Is it possible for currently running jobs in MySQL to utilize memory that's been hot added? It looks like when memory is hot added to the VM the currently running jobs are not utilizing the additional memory.
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2 answers

How do I configure Linux to use less memory for IO caching?

I'm running a Dell R310 with CentOS 5.8 x64 and all it's running is apache, svn, and postfix. It's using 99% of the RAM for caching but i'd like it to use a little less like maybe somewhere in the low 90s. How can I configure this?
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