Questions tagged [memory-leak]

156 questions
2 answers

Oracle 10g on RHEL - All memory gets eaten up nightly at 20.15

Okay, to start things off, I'm brand new to Oracle DB. Much experience with Microsoft products (boo) and Ubuntu linux, but RHEL and Oracle are very new to me. The environment ... Oracle DB 10g Standard v10. - 64bit, on RedHat Enterprise…
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Does tomcat kills unHandled ThreadPools on undeployment of application war

Say i have an Application deployed in tomcat. And i'm initializing a threadPool there,which i forgot to shutdown in my application. When i undeploy the application war or i restart the tomcat. will tomcat kill that threadPool? I mean will this cause…
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web sites leaking memory? IIS 7.5 Windows server 2008 R2

I have several web sites on my windows 2008 server that have been working flawlessly for over a year. Just a few days ago I ran into an issue where my server stopped serving up pages on some of these sites for no apparent reason. I dug into it a…
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apache out of memory

I'm using CentOS 5 on a VPS with 512MB memory. I find httpd often runs out of memory, which lags the whole system. But I cannot find out the reason. When I use top to monitor processes, sometimes one of the httpd takes out 90+% memory, then SSH…
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Windows server 2003 Programs losses ram on minimizing

This is the oddest thing I've ever had on a OS. I run several programs that uses up to 1 gb ram. But if i minimize the program the ram useage of it decreases too 100 mb! It means i lost 900 mb ram just disapeared where did it go? How can i keep the…
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Memory bloat / leak in 3rd party IIS script

We have a 3rd party application that runs on an IIS web server, during the day as people use it, it seems to take up more and more memory until the server is very close to the memory limit and we get nagios alerts. Here is a graph of a few hours…
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PHP out of memory error with but no line number given for the error

I've written a small survey app for a client, nothing particularly complicated, that asks some questions of a client and then records the answers in a database. It works perfectly on my computer, a development server that we have and the clients…
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Users take over a minute to log onto a 2008 windows server. LSM.exe running at 100MB+ memory

We've a 64bit Windows Server 2008 running Remote Desktop. The application lsm.exe (the local session manager) appears to be leaking memory. Although the memory usage is quite low when the server is rebooted, this continues to climb until people can…
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Memory leak in Windows Page file when calling a shell command

I have an issue on our Windows 2003 x64 Build Server when invoking shell commands from a script. Each call causes a "memory leak" in the page file so it grows quite rapidly until it reaches the maximum and the machine stops working. I can reproduce…
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Where is my RAM? Memory leak?

I have a bunch of servers. It's a mix of baremetal, VMs. All running Ubuntu Bionic. This issue has been observed on both types. FYI, I have read similar questions and I've read the answers. I believe this is a unique problem. I am the Infra guy…
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Strategies for detecting daemon memory leaks

I have a system which sends an email to a user twice a day, confirming that a specific daemon is still running and doing something. This has historically run for over a year without a restart, but the code has now changed, and I need to confirm that…
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JVM (lucee) Metaspace increases constantly

I have a lucee (ColdFusion) server in production. At first, we encountered OS memory exhaustion. We reduced the -Xmx2048m to half available memory and set -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=1000m. After a while though, the tomcat of lucee reported OutOfMemory…
Eric Darchis
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OpenVZ 7 memory leak

Looking for some assistance on a memory leak issue wherein the RAM consumption keeps gradually increasing day by day and within a span of 6 to 7 days, it reaches 100%. (I have to reboot then). Ram consumption graph The RAM drop is due to reboot.…
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DNS Client excessive memory usage Windows Server 2019

We have a number of identical Windows Server 2019 systems and are noticing that on one particular server the DNS Client service sometimes starts using excessive amounts of memory. So far we've not been able to figure out what triggers it, nor how to…
0 answers

How to investigate TCP memory leak

We are running a medium size AWS EKS cluster (~120 kubelet nodes) running mostly Go services. The services deployed in the cluster are quite busy, handling millions of calls per hour. Each kubelet runs on the same version of the standard Amazon…
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