Questions tagged [memory-leak]

156 questions
1 answer

Server full ram but not show which process is use much RAM

One of our Hadoop datanode with CentOS7 64 bit is using all of it's RAM, I tried to figure out which process is using so much RAM but couldn't. Please help me to check this please: System: CentOS 7 64bit, with 64 GiB RAM HTOP on server: Htop show…
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0 answers w/ node.js + nginx +mysql + php5-fpm Memory Leak?

I have a Debian VPS running node.js server + nginx + mysql +php5-fpm and the socket server seems to freeze with no messages and no errors. I noticed that the memory usage grows over time but can't seem to find the reason. I kept track of…
3 answers

Idle AWS EC2 but high memory usage

I'm using Amazon EC2 instance C4.large, total 3.75G memory, running Amazon-Linux-2015-09-HVM The memory usage increases day by day, like there's a memory leak. Then I kill all my program and all memory hog processes like…
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Does Opcache fix eAccelerator's and XCache's memory leak bugs?

Both XCache and eAccelerator have a memory leak bug which will leak memory if you include the same file tens of times in a loop, even though the code executed in the file does not use up any memory at all at each execution. (the exact same script…
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linux system slab cache proc_node_cache usage too large

My system run java program only, at some time the memory usage increase very quickly to a very hight percentage: memory usage of java : PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND …
0 answers takes more memory takes more memory as per new relic Thread profiler. The memory utilization never reduced even in idle time. It seems there is a memory leak in this class. Could you please help me to debug little more?
Selvakumar P
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Ubuntu server memory fills up and Redis crashes

Here's /proc/meminfo: MemTotal: 7629488 kB MemFree: 237528 kB Buffers: 70536 kB Cached: 45612 kB SwapCached: 0 kB Active: 99400 kB Inactive: 86340 kB Active(anon): 69608…
0 answers

Not enough storage is available to process this command (IIS Worker Process memory leak)

I have 64bit Windows Server 2012 where I am getting error: Message: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX} failed due to the following error: 80070008 Not enough storage is available to process this command.…
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2 answers

What is using the RAM on this Ubuntu 12.04.2 server?

I have two servers in a pool with Nginx, PHP5-FPM and Memcached. For some reason, the first server in the pool seems to inexplicably lose about 2GB of RAM. I can't explain where it's going. A reboot gets everything back to normal, but after a few…
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poolmon: Which driver uses "Thre"?

One step further: On my machine, the pool tagged "Thre" grows about 1MB/day. Searching for "Thre" with findstr returns about every *.sys file on my harddisk. Any ideas how I could reduce the number of possible culprits?
Aaron Digulla
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Apache process races away (process size explosion)

I come here because I have searched and tried different optimization without finding any answers. We have a server with four websites hosted. The frequentation is not very high (we are sure that the problem is not the number of visitors). We have a…
3 answers

Does killing proccess means free used memory?

I have the service, that each second run external exe programs (for example process1.exe) and kill's them. Taskmgr - show only one process. After running service i get minimal free memory availability. Sum of all processes memory and total usage…
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3 answers

Is this server using too much RAM or virtual memory ? (screen attached)

I have a VPS with 512MB of ram 40GB storage 1CPU, I run a small domain parking service on it. It is on CentOS, MySQL, Apache, etc. Now my hosting provider claims that my server is putting too much load on their storage system and they had to reset…
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RES keep growing but there is no GC shown via jstat?

We have a java application running on Centos 6.4 what we notice is RES value is cross 400m which is more then the allocated max heap that is 256m. According to jstat results as below there is no GC happening is this alarming situation? What…
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Memory leak in flow_fanout flow_capture. And strange ip in flow_capture output

On my freebsd box: #uname -rimp 9.1-STABLE amd64 amd64 GENERIC flow_tools: > pkg_info -x flow Information for flow-tools-0.68_7: Comment: Suite of tools and library to work with netflow data Description: Tools to capture, replicate, print,…
Korjavin Ivan
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