Questions tagged [mailing-list]

An (electronic) mailing list is a distributor of mails to a large group of subscribers, one possible type of a digital forum. It's often used by software developers and administrators for communication among themselves and by organizations and corporations for newsletters (in one direction only).

On discussion lists, every subscriber (member of the group), or at least a group of verified subscribers are allowed to send mails to the list and receive all mails from others. Public Archives (often available as websites) can be either public or non-public.

Announcement lists work only in one direction. An organization or a corporation can use an announcement list (where all customer's mail addresses are collected) send them newsletters. The receivers have to be clients or supporters of the sender and are not allowed to send mails to the list. Announcement lists are also used in software development to inform their users about updates.

58 questions
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Delete user from Sympa mailing list

So I have been trying to remove a user from one of our Sympa mailing lists, and can't for the life of me get it to stick. I have deleted the entry for the user under /var/sympa/lists/listname/subscribers.db, I have set myself to both sympa admin and…
1 answer

Mailman Sender Filter RegEx not working

Does anyone have experience with sender filters using regular expressions with Mailman? I use this regex to automatically accept all emails in the form "" or "": ^(.*$ On the…
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Is it possible to create add people from outside the company inside AD mailinglists?

I would like to know if it is possible to add people from outside your company inside you AD so they can be added as members of different mailing lists. Clearly, I am looking for a safe way of doing this, one that would not mean that they will…
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SNT0-MC1-F20 Mailman issue

We are having issues with our maling list, we are using MailMan, a piece of log that i thought it might help in tracking the issue, Multiple lines like the following: (lost connection with[] while sending MAIL…
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OpenDKIM - verifying mail forwarded by mailing lists

I'm using OpenDKIM for verifying signed mails that are incoming to my mail server and use it as a spam addon (if dkim is broken, mail lands in Junk). However, I'm getting lot of false-positives with broken DKIM (signature verification failed), for…
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Majordomo: Duplicate mails due to being on more than one list

I have a debian server set-up with sendmail and majordomo to handle incoming mail for some mailing-lists. Some of the users are in multiple lists and receive a mail twice when the mail is sent to both lists. Although not unexpected behavior it would…
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Maillist with foreign SQL table as address source

I'm looking for a way to allow members of a society to contact all members by sending mails to one group address. At the moment this is done by using mailman but this is rather unconfortable because every group member needs to be added to the mail…
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Windows server distribution list or Exchange shared mailing list?

Do you think it is better a distribution list in active directory or a shared mailing list of exchange for company internal mail alias (one address to many recipients)? I can not unserstand pro and con. Thanks
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3 answers

Does Exchange 2010 lift the restriction that DL addresses must be in Active Directory?

We'd like to enable end-users to be able to create and maintain their own email distribution lists in Exchange 2010, where those lists may include users inside the company but also customers, partners, etc. who are outside the company. One of the…
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Sendmail over SMTP is Throttling My PHP Script... How do I make it behave?

Here's the situation: I've got a Redhat Linux server with PHP 5.2 and standard sendmail that we're using to send email to a list of 10,000 email addresses. We have a fairly simple script that uses PHPMailer and connects over SMTP to the listening…
The How-To Geek
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2 answers

Bulk email validation

I have a list of one million email addresses of varying quality (the list has never been pruned) which needs to be cleaned. All addresses are syntactically correct, but many of the mailbox accounts may have expired. Can someone recommend a tool for…
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Postfix after-queue content filter

I am running a postfix/dovecot/spamassassin/clamav system on Debian 10 with Postfix 3.5.13 for my domains. One domain has a small private mailing list. If someone writes to the list postfix prepends the header Return-Path: containing the original…
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where is ezmlm-idx attachment settings?

is there a way to disable attachments at all or maybe over certain size in ezmlm-idx?
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Mailing list "To:" field at destination no longer shows all recipients

When a mail is sent to a mailing list and contains other recipients in the To: as well as Cc: fields, the list members receiving the mail cannot see who else was specified in the To: field. The Cc: field remains intact. Is that normal or is it a bug…
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Flask WSGI vs Nginx/Gunicorn: mailing list works in dev but not production

I have deployed a Flask web app to a Digital Ocean droplet running Ubuntu 18.04. The web app is simply a landing page that has a single form that adds a visitor's email address to a Mailchimp mailing list. The web app works perfectly in development,…
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