Does anyone have experience with sender filters using regular expressions with Mailman?

I use this regex to automatically accept all emails in the form "john.doe@sales.my-domain.de" or "name.name@anything.my-domain.de":


On the other hand emails whose sender do not match this pattern should be automatically discarded with ^(?!.*@.uni-augsburg.de).$

The settings are the following: enter image description here enter image description here

Still Emails from e.g. john.doe@sales.my-domain.de are being hold and waiting for moderation. Why is that? Does anyone know?

I'm using Mailman 2.1.13

1 Answers1


I see a few problems with your regex. First, the dot in my-domain.de needs to be escaped. I also don't see the need for the parenthesis. This should work:


That should solve the first problem of posts from your domain being held for moderation. Keep in mind addresses can be easily spoofed and trick Mailman into allowing the message.

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  • thank you for your answer! unfortunately, this did not work. Using your regex for auto-accepting senders, an email from name.name@sub.example.edu was again being hold for moderation... any ideas? – user3249755 Dec 19 '14 at 12:28
  • strangely when I send an email myself (my.name@student.example.edu) it is automatically being accepted! But my email address does only differ to the other sender's address in the part left of the @ and the subdomain. I have no explanation. – user3249755 Dec 19 '14 at 12:31