Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

NAT Packet goes out on wrong Gateway

I've two interfaces, let's say eth0 and eth0.4000 as vlan. Both have a default-gateway. Everything works as expected when a process listens on the interface directly. But not for hostPort bindings of Kubernetes. > eth0-mac, ethertype…
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How can I modify CoreDNS configmap before I bootstrap the cluster using kubeadm?

I need to build my on-prem Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm. Since my environment has no DNS, I have to modify a configmap of CoreDNS so that it doesn't contain a forwarding section. After deploying the cluster, I can edit the configmap using…
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Offline installation of kubernetes fails when using containerd as a CRI

I had to build a bare-metal Kubernetes cluster with no Internet connection for some reason. As dockershim was deprecated, I decided to use containerd as a CRI, but the offline installation with kubeadm failed while executing kubeadm init due to…
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Managing K3s Cluster with AWS EKS

I'm wondering if I can use an EKS managed node to be the control plane for a K3s cluster deployed on an edge/IoT device, such as the Intel NUC. My goal is to have a lightweight kubernetes distro to manage containerized applications running on the…
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Accessing Kubernetes services in the cluster from outside of the local network - Bare Metal

I'm running a simple bare-metal multi-master "high availability" enviroment with 2 masters and 2 workers, as well as another VM with HAProxy serving as external Load Balancer. My question is: it is possible to access the services (dashboard, ngnix,…
1 answer

How to expose services in private AKS cluster?

I've created a private cluster on AKS and deployed some workloads to it, but I'm not sure how to connect to the services. They are all NodePort services, both TCP & UDP. Initially, I thought that the endpoint AKS provides could be used to interact…
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Providing a flag to NGINX Ingress Controller that doesn't run as a Deployment

In general, my question about setting up a default certificate is answered here: Kubernetes ingress How to set default-ssl-certificate?. What I don't understand is this part: I'm supposed to add the flag…
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0 answers

Amazon EKS: Moving pods from one node group to another

I currently have a Managed Node Group serving my EKS cluster and have added another: NodeGroup1 [current - 20gb ec2 disk] NodeGroup2 [new - 80gb ec2 disk] I'd like to migrate my current pods from Node Group 1 to Node Group 2 to allow more disk…
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2 answers

Kubernetes: pod can't mount a PVC even though the latter seems to be properly bound to a PV

​Hello. I'm experiencing a problem while trying to deploy a pod that has been configured to use a Persistent Volume. My installation is hosted on Hetzner Cloud and Kubernetes has been configured according to the instructions made available by the…
1 answer

Is there an "initial memory allocation" different from the "limit" in Openshift/Kubernetes?

In java, you have min heap space (-Xms) and max heap space (-Xmx). Min heap space is allocated to the JVM from start, "max heap space" is the limit where the JVM will say "out of heap space" when reaching it. Are there such different values (initial…
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1 answer

Forward traffic to a redundant container if master fails in Kubernetes

I have a k8 cluster with a backend service (BS) and a database service (DS). DS has a pod that contains a single PgBouncer container (a proxy for a Postgres server). BS sends its database requests to DS which routes back to this single pod. I want…
1 answer

How to configure DNS for Services and Pods in Kubernetes?

I have been going through the K8s documentation on DNS for Services and Pods. The main task that I want to resolve is my K8s deployment has NodePort as service type. Meaning, I use the external IP addresses from the nodes to expose the service to…
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Kubernetes pods can ping external IPs but not any domain

I have a Kubernetes cluster using the Antrea CNI. The problem is that I can't curl any domain names. I can do nslookup inside the pod and get the IP of any domain, but I can't directly curl the domain. For example, I can't curl…
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0 answers

How do you route to a mix of HTTP and HTTPS backends from an ALB Ingress?

I have a Kubernetes cluster running in EKS (on AWS.) In the cluster I have Elasticsearch, Kibana and various other web services. I would like to set up a single ALB loadbalancer such that: Requests to /_kibana/* is routed to service:…
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1 answer

CoreDNS failing due to a loop: how to feed kubelet with proper resolvConf?

This is where investigation started: CoreDNS couldn't work for more that a couple of seconds, giving the following errors: $ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces NAMESPACE NAME READY STATUS …
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