Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
2 answers

Infrastructure used in Amazon EKS

I was looking into a demo of an application built on Amazons kubernetes service, EKS. However, I am struggling to understand what infrastructure is used underneath, as I don't have access to AWS directly. My understanding. You define a cluster,…
1 answer

GCP load-balancer ssl certificate resets itself after change

So I need to change an expired SSL certificate. Unfortunately, the one responsible for this task has passed away suddenly. I have no experience with google cloud, kuberneted or ingress. If I go to the google cloud console, to load balancers and…
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Required changes to migrate to Kubernetes 1.16

I have a multi-component platform which I created the required helm charts for it and it was properly working on Kubernetes <= 1.15. Now I need to prepare them to be compatible with k8s 1.16. I thought that it is just enough to change the…
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Nextcloud Helm Chart Change Max Upload Size

I deployed the Nextcloud Helm chart to my cluster. Installation went fine and I can use it. But I can only upload small files (the default). How can I configure the helm chart to allow larger files (5Gi) to be uploaded?
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Kubernetes: how do I turn on the TTLAfterFinished feature gate on my cluster (v1.15.3)

I've been unable to figure out how to use the following directive to turn on a feature: --feature-gate="TTLAfterFinished=true" Has anybody found some good turning this feature on? I'm using a bare metal v1.15.3 instance.
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kubectl top command output does not match Linux free command

I have a one a one node Kubernetes cluster and the memory usage reported by the metrics server does not seem to be the same as the memory usage shown with the free command # kubectl top nodes NAME CPU(cores) CPU% MEMORY(bytes) …
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Can metrics "kubelet_volume_*" get value from volumes created by Ceph?

We are facing one question about monitoring volume storage. We use metrics "kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes" and "kubelet_volume_stats_capacity_bytes". On our lab we have > 100 volumes mounted to pods, and among these volumes there are 14 volumes…
1 answer

Istio : HTTPS Traffic converted to HTTP with port set as 443

Bug description We have setup an istio over on eks cluster & a java app is hosted in it. The pod has been created along with service with type ClusterIP We have created Virtual Service, Gateway & set the istio ingress gateway as a NodePort. In front…
2 answers

How to visualize current CPU usage of a pod with Grafana

Is there a way to visualize current CPU usage of a pod in a K8S cluster? I tried different Prometheus metrics like namespace_pod_name_container_name:container_cpu_usage_seconds_total:sum_rate and other similar ones, but I always get average value…
1 answer

Wordpress in kubernetes not applying WORDPRESS_CONFIG_EXTRA to wp-config.php

I'm trying to run a wordpress site on kubernetes, but as it is behind the nginx ingress, it needs the line $_SERVER['HTTPS']='on'; in wp-config.php, as seen in here. When not setting any env variables the docker image uses the wp-config.php provided…
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Kuberntes egress traffic NAT ip

I want to connect to service in network outside the k8s cluster. Where this service auth request by IP address. State when each worker nat request with their ip is inconvenient. How to achieve one ip for egress or ip per group of pods run in…
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1 answer

In kubernetes whitelist ip from pod in other pod

I have a REST-api in one pod that needs to whitelist all hostnames or ips that connects to it. In another deployment/pod I have my own kotlin program that tries to connect to the REST-api Both deployment are exposed with ClusterIp services. I can do…
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K8S Azure Storage Account file share mount issue with ingress?

have a Kubernetes cluster setup in Azure with AKS and I am running a simple apache deployment, for the purpose of this post httpd:2.4. For assets storage I have a File Share mounted from an Azure Storage Account, this all seems to work but when…
Liam Martens
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Exposing application which enforces https using ingress

I've been setting up a kubernetes cluster as a PoC, but currently struggle to find a solution for my problem. A proprietary software that I need to deploy does only expose one port which is https. I tested the service and was able to use the…
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How to copy all images in a helm chart offline

I have helm\tiller installed on my on-prem Kubernetes deployment which is isolated from the internet. I'm trying to copy some helm charts to my isolated network and I'm finding the process of understanding which container images I need to download…
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