Questions tagged [kolla-ansible]

Kolla is a set of ansible playbooks that eases the deployment of OpenStack environments.

14 questions
1 answer

Kolla OpenStack deployment fails with "haproxy : Waiting for virtual IP to appear"

I'm trying to deploy OpenStack Queens with kolla-ansible (7.0.0) on Ubuntu hosts, following the official guide. After successful bootstrap-servers and precheck the deploy command fails: RUNNING HANDLER [haproxy : Waiting for virtual IP to appear]…
Gerald Schneider
  • 19,757
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1 answer

What does ping not showing any results mean?

I deployed a kolla-openstack and attached floating IP to an instance in it. Now while I am trying to ping the IP I am getting no response, but when I do ctrl+c it shows 100% loss. Now leaving this aside, if I try to ping an IP which is 100% not…
1 answer

OVN Cluster Health Command

Is there any command-line tool for the OVN Cluster Health check? Or each of its components? and a command or commands which gives stats about the cluster. For example, without a functional test, I want to know if everything works properly in our OVN…
1 answer

Kolla-ansible deployment fails

I tried to use Kolla-ansible to deploy all-in-one OpenStack for Ubuntu 20.04LTS and the following error was reported. TASK [service-rabbitmq : nova | Ensure RabbitMQ users exist] ******************* failed: ... "msg": "Could not determine the…
Kong Nan
  • 13
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1 answer

OpenStack Nova fails to connect to libvirt (not socket issue!)

We're trying to deploy OpenStack on hardened Debian-based Linux distro via Kolla-ansible and we seem to be almost done but facing the issue with the nova_compute container which complaints: 2021-09-12 08:56:34.365 7 INFO nova.virt.libvirt.driver [-]…
0 answers

Openstack Kolla VM not ssh or ping

I successfully installed OpenStack kolla Victoria release. After that i executed init-runonce and VM(cirros) is spinned up and running. I assigned floating IPs as per run-init. Everything is configured as expected i.e. no error at all. The problem…
0 answers

How to debug timeout error during instance creation?

I've created a small OpenStack cloud consisting of 3 nodes that all contain the same services, using kolla ansible. I can start instances using the Cirros toy image no problem, and also an offical debian cloud image, however starting a Windows 10…
0 answers

Why would kolla_external_vip_interface have to have an ip address configured, if it is used for a floating ip address?

Why would kolla_external_vip_interface need an IP address configured, when neutron_external_interface is supposed to be configured without an IP address? As far as I understand it, both are supposed to get configured with floating IP addresses by…
Evgeniy Berezovsky
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0 answers

Openstack / Linux Networking - public network doesnt connect with physical interface

I'm currently setting up Openstack with kolla-ansible wallaby, version 12.3.1.dev95, all-in-one installation. \ My setup in VMWare: Workstation 14.x VM-OS: Ubuntu Server20.04 LTS 1 Bridge-Mode network interface 2 private Host-only networks (1…
2 answers

kolla ansible deployment stuck at Nova API bootstrap container

I am deploying openstack (for kypo cyber range) using kolla-ansible. I have followed all the steps on official guide. However I am stuck on Nova API bootstrap container for almost half a day. I have looked into mariadb.log file and it…
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1 answer

kolla-ansible openstack cloudkitty error

I'm using an All-IN-ONE kolla-ansible wallaby release machine for developing a custom ui for a public cloud. When i try to get summary in RATING admin menu in Horizon this error happens: 2021-10-14 11:46:19.756 28 ERROR cloudkitty.common.policy ... …
0 answers

TASK [common : Pulling common images]

I'm trying to install openstack wallaby with kolla-ansible. I followed this document and to deploy multinode. I…
0 answers

kolla ansible - missing sudo password

I try to precheck kolla-ansible before deploy openstack but here is the problem and I don't know how to fix it. I followed this document to setup…
1 answer

Python path error when running Kolla ansible installation

I am attempting to install kolla-ansible to a bare metal server and experiencing this issue. I have been following this guide for setup: and have hit a roadblock…