Why would kolla_external_vip_interface need an IP address configured, when neutron_external_interface is supposed to be configured without an IP address?

As far as I understand it, both are supposed to get configured with floating IP addresses by OpenStack.

Relevant excerpts from globals.yml:

# This should be a VIP, an unused IP on your network that will float between
# the hosts running keepalived for high-availability. It defaults to the
# kolla_internal_vip_address, allowing internal and external communication to
# share the same address.  Specify a kolla_external_vip_address to separate
# internal and external requests between two VIPs.
#kolla_external_vip_address: "{{ kolla_internal_vip_address }}"
# These can be adjusted for even more customization. The default is the same as
# the 'network_interface'. These interfaces must contain an IP address.
#kolla_external_vip_interface: "{{ network_interface }}"
# This is the raw interface given to neutron as its external network port. Even
# though an IP address can exist on this interface, it will be unusable in most
# configurations. It is recommended this interface not be configured with any IP
# addresses for that reason.
#neutron_external_interface: "eth1"

The reason I'm asking is because I would like to point neutron_external_interface and kolla_external_vip_interface to the same interface. I've actually tried that, not configuring an IP address for this interface, but kolla_external_vip_address, although being set on that interface, was not accessible (e.g. no routing was set up for the network/interface).

Evgeniy Berezovsky
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