Questions tagged [job-scheduler]

36 questions
1 answer Cloud Code Jobs Stuck Pending

Update 1: Parse has officially confirmed this as a bug they're investigating on their status page, as well as on Facebook as Benedicte Raae mentioned in an answer. Update 2: Parse has confirmed that this issue has been resolved, and it appears to be…
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Does Solaris/Illumos have a daemon for at jobs, or manage internally?

I scheduled a test at job and reviewed it with atq, but I do not see an atd daemon which will carry them out. Is this managed within the Solaris / Illumos kernal? If not, which daemon manages at jobs? I am actually surprised not to find atd, because…
700 Software
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1 answer

Hardware configuration for head nodes (HDDs, memory, processor, redundancy)

I'm designing a head node whose primary function is to submit jobs to the Torque/Maui scheduler and secondary function is to run test jobs. Unfortunately, most hardware selection guides for clusters were written in 2000~2004 and are mostly…
1 answer

When I start a powershell "job" from cmd, where can I Job-Receive the results of the job?

Say I run a PowerShell script like this: C:\utils\powershell\MDB_BE>powershell -File .\MonitorFileSize.ps1 WARNING: column "Command" does not fit into the display and was removed. Id Name State HasMoreData …
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0 answers

adTempus - trying to create a complicated schedule for a certain task

We've (that is, to say, my client) implemented the Windows-platform scheduling software adTempus, and have a task with a peculiar schedule. The task needs to run on the 31st day of the month, but of course only in months that have 31 days, and only…
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1 answer

"Dezentral" job management with redundancy/load balancing

I search a job management solution for local processes. Usually they run for some weeks. At the moment I use a jenkins, but there the server is not restartable (security updates) and there is no redudancy. If one server goes offline, all the jobs…
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1 answer

Why would this script not start the apache webserver?

I use this script to restart the apache2 web server since the letsencrypt ssl renew process does not restart it once it has finished its actions. When i test it manually by stoping the server and running the script. It works fine. However when it is…
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1 answer

Getting SOS Job Scheduler 1.13 to work with AdoptOpenJDK

Does anyone know how to get SOS Job Scheduler version 1.13 working with an AdoptOpenJDK JDK 8 on Windows? The Job Scheduler itself seems to work, but the JOC tool won't run, failing to find a JVM. The Windows Service for JOC gets stuck in the…
Andrew Janke
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1 answer

Transaction backup job is run event Full and Different job can't run

I'm very new to DBA. I've SQL SERVER 2012. On that, Backup schedule jobs(under Maintenance Plan) runs for Full, Differential and Incremental Backups. The specific DB are selected in SSMS, . Full and Differential .bak are missing after…
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2 answers

Juicebox Job Scheduler as a Windows service?

Have been using the Juicebox Job Scheduler to run scheduled tasks on my Windows Server box for more than a year. However I need to manually start the scheduler each time I reboot as the scheduler is a Java application. What's the easiest way to make…
1 answer

I used the MSSQL Copy Databse Wizard to schedule a copy, how do I cancel it?

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I thought the wizard would be a good idea, but further discussion revealed that the backup/restore method of moving the database would be preferable. Now I can't find any mention of the task I created so…
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2 answers

Batch Job Processing vs Linux Kernel

I have several large hugin scripted jobs which I would like to have processed in a timely manner. Each script will sometimes use all of the machine's cores at times, and other times be single threaded for some time. I'm wondering about the fastest…
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3 answers

How to schedule complicated jobs

At first, I used linux cron to schedule jobs. As jobs and dependencies between them increase, I find it hard to maintain. For example, 0 4 * * 1-5 run-job-A 10 4 * * 1-5 run-job-B 15 4 * * 1-5 run-job-C job-B runs after job-A is done, job-C runs…
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1 answer

SSH vs qlogin to use all processors of a computing node

I have a SGE cluster consisting of four computing nodes, each with 20 processors. I do not mind to give one particular user the full capabilities of one specific node, i.e. I do not mind he/she uses all the 20 processors. My question then is, should…
Paco el Cuqui
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1 answer

Distribute computing jobs across different machines?

I'm looking for a way to distribute computing jobs (mainly rasterization work) across multiple, idle machines on the network. The servers are running Debian 6 right now. Most of the work that needs to be done is standard command line work with some…
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